Why Is My KitchenAid Refrigerator Making Noise? (6 Reasons)

why is my kitchenaid refrigerator making noise
Why Is My KitchenAid Refrigerator Making Noise?

It’s evident that every kitchen appliance makes noise, and there is no exception for KitchenAid refrigerators either. This is because the KitchenAid refrigerators are designed with compressors and motors to ensure efficient performance, but they end up making noise. So, if your cooking is hindered by the noise, we have the ultimate troubleshooting guide available for you!

Why Is My KitchenAid Refrigerator Making Noise?

In case you are struggling with the loud noises of your refrigerator, we are sharing a few reasons. In addition to the reasons, we are sharing the solutions that will help you out!

1. Air Vent

If you are hearing the rattling noise coming from the KitchenAid refrigerator, there is something wrong with the air vent. For those who don’t know, the internal side of the refrigerator has an air vent, and when you put something in the refrigerator that blocks the air vent, it results in a rattling sound. For this purpose, you must open up the fridge, reorganize all the contents and make sure nothing is covering the air vent. Also, make sure that you consider spacing between the containers and the refrigerator’s walls to ensure the noise doesn’t occur again.

2. Incorrect Installation

Contrary to usual belief, the refrigerators need correct installation, and incorrect installation could be the reason behind the noise. For instance, if the kitchen floor is bumpy and the refrigerator is not placed on the leveled floor, the refrigerator will remain imbalanced, resulting in noise. So, if you have purchased a new refrigerator, you must use a level and make sure the installation is even. If it shows unevenness, you have to call the professionals and get the refrigerator installed, and don’t forget to confirm with a level at the end.

3. Compressor

When the KitchenAid refrigerator starts making sound while operating, it could be the reason behind a dirty compressor. Keep in mind that the compressor needs regular maintenance and cleaning, or else, it will start giving odd sounds. To fix this issue, you have to switch off the KitchenAid refrigerator, take off the back panel, and use a soft brush for cleaning the condenser and compressor. Once cleaned, put on the back panel, screw it in, and use the refrigerator again.

4. Defrost Timer

A broken defrost timer is another reason behind loud noises coming from the refrigerator. To illustrate, if you are hearing the scraping and ticking sound, the defrost timer could be at fault. For this purpose, you must look for the buildup of frost in the KitchenAid refrigerator as well as other compartments of the freezer. So, when the refrigerator is making loud noise once or twice a day, it is an ultimate sign of a faulty defrost timer. Having said that, if you are certain that defrost timer is at fault, you need to call some professionals to have a look at the defrost timer.

5. Condenser Fan

Contrary to usual belief, not all KitchenAid refrigerators are integrated with a condenser fan, but if your model has one, it might be at fault. The condenser fan is located on the backside of the refrigerator, and clean it up to ensure the noise goes away. While you are cleaning the condenser fan, don’t forget about the rubber grommets and always use a soft brush for cleaning the debris and dirt because it might be hindering the functionality.

6. Evaporator Fan

If the loud noises are still coming from your KitchenAid refrigerator, you must check the evaporator fan. To check if this component is the culprit, you only need to push the light switch of the freezer, and if the noise gets louder, it is the one. In the majority of cases, the problem occurs when there are damages to the evaporator. If the damages are limited, just get the fan repaired, but if there are severe damages done to the evaporator fan, you need to get it replaced. In addition to the main evaporator fan, you should also check the surrounding grommets and wires. By the end, make sure that the blades of an evaporator fan are moving freely.

To summarize, these are the only troubleshooting steps you can try to fix the noise issue. So, if you are still struggling, just call KitchenAid official customer support and let them help you out!