Why Does Red Meat Turn Brown? (3 Reasons)

why does red meat turn brown
why does red meat turn brown

Meat is certainly loved by all of us, but one thing that no one likes is the meat turning brown. That is why you will need to make sure that you are not having your red meat turn brown since you wouldn’t be liking that for sure. So, there are certainly some things that you will need to avoid while getting the meat, and a few things that you might need to do in order to stop getting the meat from turning brown would be:

Why Does Red Meat Turn Brown?

1. Age of the Meat

One thing that you will certainly need to be careful about is the age of the meat. Not only when it was slaughtered is matter, but you will also need to make sure that you are not getting the meat from a cow that is of old age. The older the cow might be, the more chances you have of the meat turning brown from red and that is certainly something that you wouldn’t want. So, it would be better if you are choosing the cow of the right age and that should be enough for you to make it all work for you and you can avoid the meat from turning brown to red.

2. Oxidation

There is myoglobin in the blood of all the meat and when exposed to oxygen for extended periods, it might turn to the oxymyoglobin that has the darker shade and that can certainly make the meat appear brown instead of red. So, that is what you will need to take care of that and make sure that the meat is not exposed to oxygen for longer periods. It should be easy enough for you to manage and all you will need to worry about is not let the meat sit in open for long hours and take it out of the container or the freezer only when you want to cook it and that should be helping you out perfectly in getting the job done.

3. Infection

Infection is another major reason behind you seeing the meat turn brown. You will definitely need to make sure that you are not getting the meat from cattle that has some infection or injury on it since that can certainly cause you to have a number of problems including the meat turning brown to red. So, you will need to be careful about that and it is certainly better that you pick up some meat fresh from the farm, or even if you have to pick it in some store, you will certainly need to make sure that you are picking some meat that has been slaughtered freshly and that should help you to avoid all such problems with the meat turning brown or changing its color. Moreover, you will need to make sure that you are buying the meat from authentic sources only that are credible so you are certain about all the factors there since while it is normal sometimes to have meat turn brown, it might not be okay at some other times.

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