4 Ways To Fix Whirlpool Quiet Partner III Normal Light Flashing

whirlpool quiet partner iii normal light flashing
whirlpool quiet partner iii normal light flashing

Whirlpool Quiet Partner 3 dishwasher is known worldwide for its amazing quality. It helps wash plenty of dishes in no time. Just put the dirty dishes into the dishwasher and leave the rest. The dishwasher will do its job to clean the dishes perfectly while you can do some other work to utilize your time. However, when the dishwasher starts showing errors, it can be quite a problem. The Whirlpool Quiet Partner III normal light flashing is one of them. If you are also facing such problems then our article will provide you with some troubleshooting methods that will help you fix the problem.

How to Fix Whirlpool Quiet Partner III Normal Light Flashing?

  1. Reset The Dishwasher

The dishwasher’s normal light does not start flashing for no reason. The normal light is turned on when the dishwasher is set for a normal cycle. The light will be turned on when the dishwasher is cleaning and washing the dishes. Once the dishwasher is done with its job, the light will automatically turn off. If the normal light flashes during the washing or after washing then reset the dishwasher.

  • Turn off the power supply.
  • Wait a few minutes and then turn the power back on.
  • Press the switch OJN/OFF button on the screen or keypad present on the dishwasher.
  • This will reset your dishwasher.
  1. Check the door switch

Another reason for the normal light flashing can be related to the door switch of the dishwasher. Sometimes, the light starts to blink if the door switch is having problems. It is possible that the door of the dishwasher was not properly closed due to which door switch is causing problems.

Such problems can be simply solved by opening the door and then closing it back. Also, make sure that there is nothing stuck in the doorway of the dishwasher that may prevent the door to lock properly. If something is stuck in the door way then clean the area and remove the obstacle.

  1. Dirty Keypad

It is also possible that the keypad has been stuck due to which the light is blinking. This can be due to a dirty keypad which is causing the light to flash. In such situations, cleaning the dishwasher is the only option. Use a soft and damp towel or cloth to wipe the control panel. After cleaning, reprogram the dishwasher by opening and closing its door.

  1. Damaged Keypad

If the cleaning of the keypad does not solve the problem, then it is possible that the keypad console or the control board is damaged. In such cases, we highly recommend you to replace the damaged part as repair is not the right solution to the problem.

The Bottom Line

The blinking and flashing of the normal light occur due to some problem. We have listed some potential problems that can cause the normal light to blink. However, if none of these troubleshooting methods work for you, then it is recommended to try contacting customer service for further information and guidance.