5 Common VAVA Milk Frother Problems (Troubleshooting)

vava milk frother problems
vava milk frother problems

The Vava milk frother is the solution to all your frothy milk cravings. The vava milk frother is very easy to use and gives great results. Although this frother is among some of the best frothers available in the market, you might  face a few common problems.

Here are a few problems most users face using the frother followed by ways you can fix them.

VAVA Milk Frother Problems

1) Why is the frother not functioning at the same power?

The frother functions at high power and speed to froth milk. If the frother cannot function at high intensity it won’t be able to produce any froth.

Have you been observing that the frother is no longer working at the same power? Before you panic, go over a few things to make sure the fault is not on your end.

First, is the frother properly plugged in and getting enough energy input? If not, the frother will no longer work at the same power.

Next, when was the last time you dismantled your frother and gave it a thorough clean? If the answer to that question is never, then it’s time to stop reading further and start cleaning. Cleaning the frother can be more of a task because you simply can’t put it in the dishwasher.

You’ll have to first disconnect it from the main power, switch it off, then remove all the parts one by one. Using tissue paper is good enough to remove any residual dirt, however, you can always use a wet kitchen wipe for better results.

Make sure you read the user instruction manual properly, otherwise you won’t be able to dismantle and put the frother back together. The purpose of the instruction manual is to familiarize the user with the frother and all its parts. Make sure you don’t forget to read it before you begin your cleaning mission.

2) Did you misalign the frothing wand?

At times, the most common reason why the frother isn’t working is that the frothing wand is misaligned. The frothing wand needs to be aligned at a specific level for the frother to optimally function. Adjusting the wand is not as hard as it seems. The maker on the wand should come in line with the marker on the body of the frother. 

Some frothers come with a safety lock that doesn’t let the frother start unless the wand is aligned.

Check to ensure that you’re not making the same mistake. If you can’t align the wand properly, time to read the Instruction manual one more time.

3) Coffee residuals are a frothers worse nightmare!

The frother can easily get clogged and stop working. The basic function of the frother is to froth milk, it’s not equipped to come in contact with hard particles like coffee beans. To avoid any problem, try using ground coffee from the first day or add coffee or other ingredients once you’re done frothing the milk.

4) Is the frother getting enough energy input?

Frother has a powerful working system and needs an uninterrupted supply of electricity to work properly. Some portable frothers don’t use direct electricity but function on dry battery cells.

At times, the frother does not get turned on at all. In that case, check the power supply or replace drained battery cells.

5) Can your frother froth thick liquids?

Well, you can and you cannot. Frothing thicker liquids depends on the model and company. Each frother comes with different specifications. Some frothers are more powerful than the rest and can froth a large amount of liquid milk in no time. While others take longer to froth a small quantity.

Using lightweight, warm milk can help you produce the best frothing results. This isn’t true for all models but works for most.

When do I call for help?

If none of the above-mentioned solutions seem to help, it’s time to call for help. If you still have a warranty it is best to get in contact with the official company. The company will fix/replace the faulty parts in your Frother without charging a penny.

However, if you no longer have the warranty, you can always get help from a local electrician who can help you identify the problem. It is never wise to take a risk with electrical appliances.