Undercooked Cheesecake: How To know If A Cheesecake Is Cooked Enough?

undercooked cheesecake
undercooked cheesecake

Everyone loves a dessert, but a flavorsome cheesecake is much more than just a dessert. It’s texture ranges from being airy to dense. An ideal cheesecake is smooth and creamy and can have a touch of your favorite berries. Each one of us has tried making a cheesecake at least once in our life. A home cook cheesecake is not easy to make. It requires expertise and attention to small details. This sweet and luxurious dessert is a great choice when serving during essential gatherings. However, a cheesecake can go wrong. Let’s talk about the steps to help prevent an undercooked cheesecake.

A cheesecake can either be baked or no-baked. The significant difference between the two is the texture. Baked cheesecakes tend to be denser as all ingredients are mixed, preventing air incorporation. On the other hand, no-baked cheesecakes follow a different recipe. All components are mixed except the whipped cream, which is mixed at the end, allowing air entry. Adding whipping cream at the end is the reason that gives a no-baked cheesecake its airy texture.

Undercooked Cheesecake: How to know if a cheesecake is cooked or not?

This is the tricky part. The best cheesecake bakers can make terrible mistakes as well. So, give yourself a little pat on the back as you have taken the first step of making a homemade cheesecake. You have to make the right decision by keeping in mind specific tips.


Know this, experience only comes from practicing. Any expert baker will vouch that they have made terrible cakes in past. You will get it right if you keep on trying. Experience can help you make the right decision at the right time.

The Jiggly Shake Method:

An easy method is to wear your oven gloves and take out the pan slightly. Use both of your hands and give the pan a little shake. Look at the edges. The edges look firm and the mixture does not seem liquidish, then the cheesecake is cooked. The center of the cake will have a normal jiggle. Cooling down the cake will set the center jiggle as well. So, the next time you want to check if your cheesecake is baked or not, give it a shake and check its consistency.

A Thermometer:

By far, this is the most precise and accurate way of preventing an undercooked cheesecake. The ideal temperature you should be looking for is 150 degrees Fahrenheit or 66 degrees centigrade. Make sure you check the temperature from the middle of the cake as the edges tend to be warmer than the center. You can either have a simple thermometer or buy an instant-read one.

The Finger Method:

Clean your hands and dry them out. Use your finger and gently press the center of the cake. If the texture of the cake is firm and your finger does not sink in, this means the cake is ready to go. Otherwise, leave it for a few more minutes to cook it to perfection.

Next time, you make a cheesecake, keep these tips in mind to prevent an undercooked cheesecake. Enjoy your dessert with your loved ones!

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