Toaster Electromagnet Not Working: 3 Ways To Fix

toaster electromagnet not working
toaster electromagnet not working

Owning a toaster is such a relaxing feeling that you do not need to put extra effort into making breakfast. It helps you to work smartly in the kitchen. But, what if there are some issues with your toaster. It’s one of the worst things that you can experience in your kitchen. 

One of the issues that most of us faces is that the electromagnet stops working correctly. So, what will you be doing if you find yourself stuck in such a situation? 

Toaster Electromagnet Not Working: Why Are You Facing Such Issue?

If the electromagnet is not working in your toaster, then the issue is probably with the current flow. The electromagnet is responsible for holding your bread inside the toaster, and so it is accountable for releasing then once toasted. All of this is done through the flow and the stoppage of the current flow. All in all, if the current is not flowing in order, then you may face such an issue.

Even if you face this issue, we will help you resolve it with a little effort placed. Below are some of the useful troubleshooting methods to overcome such problems.

1) Clean Your Toaster

What you need to do if the electromagnet of your toaster is not working is clean your toaster. Most of the time issue is caused by the residue of bread inside the toaster. So, the first and foremost thing that we are going to do to make our toaster better again is by cleaning it finely. It will help you to overcome the issue to the fullest.

2) Check The Power Cord

The issue may be with the power cord you are using to connect your toaster to the power circuit. Most of the time, we do not focus on these small things, which puts us in the well of difficulties. If the power cord is damaged, it is probable that you may witness the power light, but a damaged power cord will not be able to power the electromagnet correctly.

If you witness the issue with the power cord, then what you need to do is pick up the necessary tools and start replacing the power cord. It will help you to overcome the electromagnet issue with no effort placed.

3) Short Circuit

It is one of the common reasons why the electromagnet of your toaster has stopped working. Because of the short circuit, the electric flow is disturbed, and because of the disturbance in current flow, the toaster loses its magnetic strength. So, check for any short circuit to overcome the issue related to the electromagnet. Try this method as it works in almost all of the cases.


In the article, we have provided you with all of the necessary knowledge required to resolve your toaster’s electromagnet issue. The draft will allow you to troubleshoot your issues by following some of the most useful methods. What you need to do is follow the article and find your way to a perfectly working toaster.