Thermador Freezer Filter Change Reset: An Overview

thermador freezer filter change reset
thermador freezer filter change reset

Thermador is one of the top brands manufacturing all the different sorts of freezers and refrigerators for you. They are particularly known for their freezers with a water dispenser features on the door. The feature is highly convenient since you can pour water or any other liquid directly into the glass or any bottle without having to open the freezer. The Thermador freezer doesn’t only chills the water that you put in the door container, but it also filters the water for any impurities that might be on it.

But like all the other filters, you will also need to replace the filter periodically to get the right experience out of your freezer. If you are wondering about a filter replacement, here is what you need to do.

Thermador Freezer Filter Change Reset

Filter replacement

Filter replacement is quite easy for you to handle and you will not need to do much to get it done. The best part is that you can do it on your own, and enjoy the right experience it for sure. To replace the filter, you will need to make sure that you are opening the freezer door, and then taking out the filter cover carefully.

There are a couple of plastic locks that you will need to detach and that will be allowing you to access the filter inside. Once you can access the filter, carefully take it off, and then you can replace it with a new filter. Before trying a filter replacement, you will need to make sure that you are emptying the container so you don’t end up spilling the liquid here and there while you are getting it done.

Is Reset Required After a Filter Change?

Now, you might be wondering if it is required for you to reset the Thermador freezer after a filter replacement. The best part about having such a convenient freezer is that they are taking care of all the needs you could be having optimally. That is why you don’t need to reset the whole freezer. Instead, you can just replace the water dispenser part on your door and it should be doing the trick for you.

How to Reset?

The next thing that you might be wondering about is how to reset the Thermador freezer water dispensing unit after a successful filter change. The reset is also pretty easy and you don’t need to worry much about it either. All you will need to do is to make sure that you are pressing the “ice” and “super” buttons together. You need to press them at the same time and then keep on pressing them.

So, you will need to hold these buttons for 6-8 seconds and all the lights on these buttons will flicker twice. That is a signal that your filter reset has been completed and you can enjoy clean, chilled water without having to worry about a single thing at all.