Teak vs Maple Cutting Board: What’s The Difference?

teak vs maple cutting board
teak vs maple cutting board

The cutting board is essential for chopping. If you have a lot of knife work to do, it is better to invest in a good cutting board. There are various types of cutting boards available in the market. Teak and Maple cutting boards are among some of the most popularly used cutting boards.

Some people prefer using the kitchen slabs for chopping, but that’s not recommended. This is because kitchen slabs tend to build up bacteria over time, which is harmful to your health. And because the excessive interaction of the knife with the kitchen slabs destroys the knife blade.

So what’s an easy way to maintain knife heath, chop hygienic food and do it quickly? A good cutting board is the answer.

Teak vs Maple Cutting Board

Here’s everything you need to know about the super-hyped Teak cutting boards and the long-used Maple boards.

Teak Cutting Board

Did you come here to read about Teak cutting boards after reading about it in some fancy kitchenware magazine? If that’s the case, then you’re not alone. Teak cutting boards are very much in trend nowadays and rightly so.

The Teak Cutting board comes from the bark of the teak tree. These trees natively grew in South East Asia. Some of the best Teak comes from Indonesia, Myanmar, India. Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

Teak barks have a beautiful brown colour and so do teak cutting boards. However, these cutting boards are slightly expensive, and a large board can cost you as much as $100 or more. So is it worth the money? Yes.

A teak cutting board has a long life and excellent durability. Once you invest in a good teak board, it will stay with you for years to come.

A lot of chefs have discontinued using wooden cutting boards, especially for meat. This is because it is difficult to clean a wooden cutting board, and when you’re chopping meat in bulk, you can’t clean the board again and again.

However, wooden cutting boards are great for chopping knives. The wooden surface of the cutting board does not damage the knife blade. The wood helps you maintain your knives in good shape.

Maple Cutting Board

Maple cutting boards are a great cutting board option and have been used for years. Maple cutting boards either come from hard maple wood or sugar maple wood. Both of these woods make excellent cutting boards that are durable and easy to use.

Maple boards are an excellent option due to the texture maple wood has to offer. Just like Teak cutting boards, these boards are also considered suitable for your chopping knives.

Maple cutting boards are ideal for personal use. However, these boards might not be the best option if you’re looking for cutting boards to use on a commercial scale. Maple cutting boards have a light colour and are easier to clean. However, if they get stained, it’s difficult to remove them.

One of the most significant advantages of using maple is the closely packed nature of the wood. Maple cutting boards have tiny pores which are tightly packed and prevent easy penetration. This helps the cutting board prevent any bacteria or harmful microorganisms from getting stored on the cutting board. In addition, as compared to teal cutting boards, these boards are hygienic and easier to clean.

Just like the Teal cutting boards, maple cutting boards also cost a lot. But these cutting boards are a one-time investment. So buying a maple cutting board is not a bad idea.


A cutting board provides a good grip and makes it easier to chop challenging stuff like meat. Cutting fruits and vegetables is more manageable than meat, and you need to have a firm grip and a good cutting board. It can get a little difficult to cut without using a cutting board.

There are many types of wooden cutting boards available in the market. Keep your budget in mind before making any decision. The size and shape of the board should be according to your convenience.

Teal cutting boards are a great option and are very much in trend. They look beautiful and can make your kitchen look aesthetic. In contrast, maple cutting boards are being used for many years and are a great option if you’re very hygiene conscious.