4 Common Tatung Rice Cooker Problems (Troubleshooting)

tatung rice cooker problems
tatung rice cooker problems

The Tatung company has introduced a wide variety of rice cookers in the market. The company is renowned for promising its customers an experience like none other. You can find different types and sizes of rice cookers according to your needs.

The most distinctive feature about the Tatung rice makers is the four modes it allows users to cook on. The Tatung rice cooker not only cooks rice but can also help you make stews and steam vegetables. This all-in-one pot is a great investment. The Tatung pot is user-friendly and easy to use. However, you might face a few common problems, continue reading to get all your answers.

Tatung Rice Cooker Problems

1) Is the rice getting burned?

A lot of users believe that once they get a rice cooker, most of their worries will go away. However, it is not entirely true. The rice cooker can undoubtedly provide you with a lot of help when it comes to cooking rice. But to cook perfect rice, one must master the technique.

The water to rice ratio plays a very vital role in cooking rice. Make sure you recheck your recipe measurements. Unlike old times, when you had to stand in the kitchen for hours to cook rice, you can now easily carry on with the rest of your errands while the rice cooker does its magic.

If you’re new to the rice cooker experience, it is advisable that you re-read the instruction manual. The manual provides a detailed understanding of the rice cooker and how to operate it. Make sure you’re following an authentic recipe.

However, if you’re an experienced rice cooker user and you’re suddenly facing this problem, try adding an extra ¼ cup of water to the rice while it cooks.

2) Is the rice coming out undercooked?

Undercooked rice is as terrible as overcooked rice. Although the rice cooker comes with inbuilt temperature sensors and preset settings that guarantee you an amazing experience. But at times users do end up struggling with the settings.

If the rice is getting overcooked and turning into a soft mash, time to decrease the water quantity you are adding. Adding too much water can increase the moisture on the inside which in turn overcooks the rice.

If the rice cooker is not operating on preset settings, adjust the settings accordingly.

3) Notice if there’s a thermal cut-off?

A thermal cutoff is pretty common in rice cookers. The rice cooker uses high steam pressure to cook rice. To keep the steam pressure in check, most rice cookers have internally fixed temperature sensors. The temperature sensors make sure that the rice cooker does not build excessive pressure on the inside. In some instances, the pressure des exceed more than required, and the thermal systems burn and get cut off.

The thermal system acts as protection that prevents any kitchen hazards. If the pressure inside the rice cooker keeps exceeding, the rice cooker can blast in severe cases.

The thermal switch can be easily identified in case it burns down. If you’re not well equipped to dismantle the rice cooker and check where the problem is, always seek professional help.

Fixing a thermal cut-off is easy and takes less time. Your rice cooker will be functioning better than ever once you get the thermal fuse replaced.

4) Are you struggling with opening the rice cooker lid?

The rice cooker has a well-placed lid that needs to be fixed properly to operate the rice cooker. Most rice cookers come with a safety lock and don’t start working as long as the lid is not properly sealed. Once the lid is sealed and in place, the rice cooker starts working.

You’re not alone if you find yourself struggling with opening the rice cooker. If you’re using an old rice cooker and the problem has been there for a while, then you need to get the lid rubber fixed.

However, if it’s a new rice cooker and you’ve recently started facing this issue, seek professional help and get your rice cooker assessed.

While you wait for help, make sure to unplug the rice cooker, pour cold water over the rice cooker, and let it cool before you try opening it again.