8 Common Sunbeam Bread Maker Problems With Solutions

sunbeam bread maker problems
sunbeam bread maker problems

Sunbeam has been around for quite a long time and they have been producing electronic bread makers for personal uses. There are various cooking functions in their bread makers, such as express bake and delay bake. In addition, it is known for the removable bake pan but there are multiple Sunbeam bread maker problems bugging the users. However, troubleshooting the problems is easy and we have shared the complete guide below!

Sunbeam Bread Maker Problems

1) Thick Crust

Bread is ought to have a slightly thick crush (the classic bread characteristic). However, when the crust is excessively thick, there are chances that you let the bread overcook. Keep in mind that bread will overcook even when the bake cycle is complete because the pan will be hot. That being said, you should remove bread from the bread maker as soon as the bake cycle ends. As a result, the bread will cool down quickly in the open air and the crust won’t thicken up.

2) Collapsing Bread

It doesn’t matter if you are making flavoured bread or plain bread, you wouldn’t like opening the bread maker and finding collapsed bread. There are various reasons behind this issue, such as;

  • The liquid content for kneading the dough should always be added according to the recipe’s instructions. This is because if you add too much liquid, it will lead to collapsing, so keep a steady hand on the water
  • If you want to ensure that bread comes out perfectly and has proper structural integrity, you should increase the salt amount by a teaspoon
  • Bread can collapse even if you add too much yeast to the dough. First of all, you should use fresh yeast and add it according to the recipe’s instructions
  • If you are baking the bread and there is too much humidity in the air, we suggest that you use cool but less water for kneading the dough

3) Bread Doesn’t Rise

There can be nothing better than bread that doesn’t rise properly. The first reason behind the rising issue is the measuring error. For this reason, you should consult the recipe and always add ingredients according to the recipe’s instructions. Secondly, you should switch to white flour rather than low-gluten flour to ensure it properly rises up. Lastly, the liquid temperature should be 80-degrees Fahrenheit for kneading the dough. As a result, the dough will cook and rise properly.

4) Dense & Short Loaf

How your bread loaf turns out depends on the dough’s consistency. That being said, when you are kneading the dough for bread, make sure you keep checking the consistency and ensure it’s sufficiently soft and moist. In addition, you can switch to high-protein bread flour to ensure bread doesn’t get short or dense down. At this point, we would like to add that rye flour and whole wheat flour will create dense bread, so ditch those flour types.

5) Extra Coarse Texture

Bread is known for its airy texture but if your bread is turning out coarse, it’s because you added too much water or liquid. For this reason, you should remove the liquid amount while kneading the bread dough. Secondly, increasing the salt content will help optimize the texture.

6) Gooey Part

Bread can never be gooey and so many people complain about the gooey part in the centre part of the bread. First of all, it can happen if you used old yeast. For this reason, you should buy fresh yeast for baking bread. However, if yeast is fresh but the central part is still gooey, there are chances that the Sunbeam bread maker isn’t functioning properly, so get the technician to resolve the functionality issue.

7) Top Is Not Browned

When the bread is baked, it should have a brown top. However, if it’s not brown, make sure that you use enough sugar as it’s responsible for browning the top. In addition, you can tent the bread pan with foil because it increases the browning.

8) Dark Crust

If bread’s crust has an extra dark color, there are chances that you selected the wrong setting. For this purpose, you should try using the light crust-color settings. On the other hand, if the Sunbeam bread maker doesn’t have the said setting, remove the bread a few minutes before the baking cycle is completed. Also, adding too much sugar also leads to an extra dark crust, so hold your hand!