2 Tricks To Make Squeezable Nutella

Squeezable Nutella
Squeezable Nutella

Nutella is the coca-cola of the chocolate world. It is a brand that’s recognized and loved all over the world. Would you believe that this Ferrero-owned brand makes 2 billion euros per year in sales?

The French eat a quarter of all the jars produced so if you run out, you know who to blame! Did you know that there’s even a World Nutella Day? (5 February if you feel like celebrating it.)

There are so many ways to eat Nutella. While we think the best way is simply straight out of the jar with a spoon, some people are more refined than that.

For a start, it’s delicious in donuts, drizzled over crepes, spread thickly onto a slice of white bread, inside a croissant, or spread onto a waffle. It goes well with pears, strawberries, and cheesecake. And have you tried a spoonful stirred into your coffee?

How To Get Squeezable Nutella?

Why Would You Want Squeezable Nutella?

Nutella that comes in a screwtop glass jar can be a little frustrating if you want to squeeze or drizzle it over something. What if it were possible to get squeezable Nutella for that purpose?

You could drizzle the inside of a milkshake glass before filling it with a milkshake or decorate a plate before serving a brownie or slice of chocolate cake on it. There are so many possibilities.

Also, some people don’t like the last dregs of their Nutella sticking to the inside of the jar. In fact, so many people want Nutella in a squeeze bottle that there’s even a Facebook group called “Nutella should Be In A Squeeze Bottle.”

Washing Nutella-coated knives seems wasteful – unless you’re like us and lick them first! However, this could result in serious tongue injuries so, in the interests of public health and safety, we really need squeezable Nutella.

Nutella knife

Here are a few tricks to make your Nutella squeezable while we wait for the manufacturers to oblige…

1. Put the Nutella Into an Icing Bag

If you want to make some convenient, squeezable Nutella, then the best solution is to put it into an icing bag with a nozzle in the corner. You can then neatly and easily squeeze your Nutella onto bread or drizzle a cake.

Icing bag

First, put your Nutella jar into the microwave on defrost/low power for a minute or two to soften it a little. Once it has softened, spoon the Nutella out of the jar and into the icing bag.

Now, close the top of the bag, and you are free to put it directly on your desserts and whatever you want. Moreover, this method will save your delicious chocolate and help you to enjoy every last scrap.

2. Get A Plastic Ketchup Jar

Ketchup jar

Invest in one of those diner-style ketchup squeeze bottles. Spoon your Nutella into it as before and squeeze away to your heart’s content. You will need to stand the bottle in a jug of hot water to soften the contents every time you want to use it but this is a small price to pay.


Squeezable Nutella is still a dream for many of us. However, now we’ve told you how to convert your dream into a reality. Share your Nutella creations with us in the comment section below!