Smoker Tube vs Smoker Box: What’s The Difference

smoker tube vs smoker box
smoker tube vs smoker box

Smoking is a great way of cooking, as it enables you to have the perfect liberty on it as well that you might be needed in order to make it all work. There are various ways that are used inside a smoker to make sure that you are getting the optimal aroma, taste, and texture on any such food that you might be trying to smoke with it.

Smoker Tube and Smoker Box are two such ways to smoke up the food in most types of smokers. They go inside the firepit of the smoker allowing you to be having the right type of smoke and temperature settings that you can possibly be wanting to have on the smoker you are using.

However, there are crucial differences between the two of these that you will have to be a bit more careful about. A few such differences that you will need to know about these two are:

Smoker Tube vs Smoker Box

Smoker Tube

Smoker tube is all that the name suggests. It is basically a tube made out of metal but has various holes in it. It can be around or pentagon tube and is hollow from the inside. That hollow space is utilized to be putting in the wooden pallets, and then you light them up. The smoke is dispersed through the holes in that tube to the food, and you will be able to have the right temperature control, and of course the smoke for your meat or any other food that you can possibly prepare with it.

A smoker tube is a great and convenient way of cooking, and it can be used for both hot and cold smoking based on your needs. You can also choose to put small or large wooden pallets inside a smoker tube to make it work for all the different reasons you can have. The smoker tube has smaller holes in it and is mostly used for cold smoking, which means at minimal temperature. It would be a perfect thing for you to be smoking cheese or any other such food item where you don’t need all that amount of heat on it.

The only drawback that you have to face with a smoker tube is that it is particularly hard for you to refill it if needed, and you will have to put in all the pallets that you want to use at once for them to be heated up. Afterward, taking out the ash and filling up some new pallets can get a bit tricky.

Smoker Box

A smoker box on the other hand is a different tool that you can use for smoking. It has certain features on it that you will definitely be loving since the smoker box has 3 sides fully enclosed with the top having different shapes of holes in it, that allows you for better concentration. That is the reason, a smoker box is more suited to help you through all the different applications you might want to use it for, where you need more heat such as smoking chicken or any other type of meat.

The lid on the smoker box allows a concentrated amount of smoke in the right direction at the same time allowing you to be having just the perfect experience that you could be seeking from it. So, a smoker box is the right choice for you, if you want to go with the meat smoking, and want the perfect solution for it as well. You also need to ensure that you are getting the right wooden pallets for the smoker box since it doesn’t do well with any sorts of larger pallets, so smaller pallets would be the right choice.

It is comparatively easier for you to be refilling the smoker box as than the smoker tube. Since all you have to do is take off the lid and then put fresh pallets inside. That allows you more liberty, as well as a convenient experience while you are trying to make the smoker work for any such needs.

So, it will all depend on your needs and the type of meat that you are trying to prepare with your smoker to choose between the smoker box and smoker tube.