5 Common Ronco Rotisserie Problems (Troubleshooting)

ronco rotisserie troubleshooting
ronco rotisserie troubleshooting

If you are someone who loves barbecuing and roasting meat and enjoy it, rotisserie is the ultimate appliance for you. This is an extremely easy appliance to use but there are always some chances of errors (it’s a machine, after all). For this reason, we are sharing Ronco rotisserie troubleshooting to prepare you for optimized performance!

Ronco Rotisserie Troubleshooting

1) Not Heating

There is no point in using the rotisserie if it cannot heat up (if there is no heating, how will you roast and barbecue the meat?). That being said, when the rotisserie stops heating up, you should ensure that the power connection is established and the power cord is working properly. If the power cable is fine but the heating issue is still, you need to check the heating element.

If you are using the electrical rotisserie, the heating element will glow red when it’s working properly. On the other hand, if it’s not glowing red and you are struggling with the heating issue, the heating element could be the reason. The heating element has to be replaced by a technician (don’t opt for repair because it’s not a long-term or viable solution).

The third reason behind the heating issue could be the timer. This is because when the timer is responsible for initiating heating. Consequently, if the timer isn’t working, it won’t signal the rotisserie to start heating, hence no heating. For this reason, you should get the timer checked and make sure it’s properly connected and wired up.

2) Noisy Sounds

Whenever the Ronco rotisserie starts making noisy sounds, it’s pretty frustrating but it’s pretty easy to fix. This is because the problem can be resolved just by checking the motor gears. The motor gears will make noise when they are corroded. Truth be told, corrosion cannot be fixed and the sole solution is replacing the motor to fix the noises.

3) Power Issues

Whenever there are power issues with Ronco rotisserie, there are certain things that should be considered. First of all, you need to check the circuit breaker, power outlet, and power plug. For this reason, you should plug the rotisserie into a properly working power outlet. In addition to this, reset the circuit breaker of the oven and also check the wires for damages.

If the circuit breaker, plug, and cable aren’t the issue behind the power issue, you should inspect the timer. The timers tend to run out with time and it will eventually lead to abrupt shut-off of the rotisserie. That being said, the timer has to be reset first. On the other hand, if a reset doesn’t work, the timer might need replacement.

The third solution for resolving the power issue is rebooting the Ronco rotisserie. The rotisserie can be easily rebooted by switching and plugging it off for 15 minutes. It will ensure that the unit cools down, and then, switch it on. As a result, the power problems will be resolved and the functionality will be back to normal.

4) Basket Is Not Moving

The rotisserie is designed with a basket to ensure the meat is properly cooking up. The basket must turn smoothly to ensure even cooking. However, when meat isn’t cooking properly, it could be because of hindered basket movement. The simplest solution is looking for obstructions in the basket because it might be causing movement errors. If there are any obstructions, clear them up and position the basket tightly on the rotisserie and start cooking!

5) Too Much Smoke

A little bit of smoke is normal for the rotisseries, but if there is too much smoke, you should inspect the heating element. This is because excessive smoke might occur when food is touching the heating element. So, you should switch off the Ronco rotisserie and make sure food isn’t touching the heating element. When the element is free from food, the smoke percentage will become normal.

The second reason behind excessive smoke could be grease dripping in the drip tray. It’s pretty evident that food and grease will build up in the drip tray, but when the drip tray is heated, it will result in excessive smoke. So, you should clear up the drip tray and clean it up. Moreover, the drip tray must be cleaned properly and regularly to prevent smoke.