5 Quick Solutions To Range Hood Not Working Properly

range hood not working properly
range hood not working properly

A range hood is an important appliance that many homeowners take for granted. This is because it keeps clearing the kitchen air by extracting the debris, small food particles, oil, and grease to make sure it doesn’t overheat the kitchen. However, when the range hood stops working properly, there are multiple steps that you can take!

Range Hood Not Working Properly

1. Check The Power

The majority of the range hoods are designed to work with a 110V power outlet, which is a three-pronged power outlet. However, if the power outlet is overloaded, it can restrict the functionality of the range hood. For this purpose, there are multiple factors that you need to keep in mind, such as;

  • Check the power outlet because they might be overloaded. For instance, if you have connected multiple electrical appliances to the same power outlet, you need to take out the plug of some outlets to reduce the load and prevent the chances of breaker issues
  • If the power outlet is not crowded, you need to check if the power outlet is working at all. For this purpose, you need to switch off the hood, take out the power cord, and plug something else. If the other appliance doesn’t switch on either, the outlet is malfunctioned and needs to be replaced immediately

2. Fuse

If there are no apparent issues with the range hood, there could be something wrong with the fuse. In the majority of cases, the fuse is blown, which hinders the overall functionality of the hood. You can use a multimeter to determine the certainty of the issue or to determine if there is an electrical current passing through the fuse. If there is no continuity, you need to replace the fuse as it’s blown. While you are replacing the fuse, make sure that you replace the melted wires, if any.

3. Wires

It is needless to say that the range hoods are connected to power plugs with the help of wires, just like other electrical appliances. Having said that, with constant exposure to heat and grime, these wires get damaged, hence the functionality issues. For this reason, you need to check the wires and make sure the damaged ones are replaced on time. In addition to this, the wires must be securely plugged into the designated ports. However, if you cannot make sense of the wires, you can hire a professional and skilled electrician.

4. Electrical Connections

Another thing you need to check is the control panel and circuit boards. You need to inspect both these components of the range hood to ensure they are installed perfectly and have tight connections. If some components appear loose, use a screwdriver to tighten the caps and wire nuts. On the other hand, if they aren’t loose, just check for burnt or dark areas – if there are such areas, the circuit needs an immediate replacement.

5. Driver

Last but not least, if the range hood is still not working, there are high chances the LED driver of the hood is blown as it’s essential for regulating the high-voltage electric connection. Once the driver is replaced, it’s certain that the range hood will work fine.