Proctor Silex Coffee Maker Not Working: 3 Fixes

proctor silex coffee maker not working
proctor silex coffee maker not working

Proctor Silex CO. is a brand that’s starting to earn a name for itself. The company mainly deals with all sorts of appliances which you would normally use in your everyday life at home. This also includes appliances that you would need in the kitchen.

Proctor Silex has been making kitchen appliances for quite some time now, and their coffee makers are one of their great products. If you have one of them but can’t get it to work, here are a few things that you should try in order to fix whatever problem is causing the coffee maker to not work.

How to Fix Proctor Silex Coffee Maker Not Working?

  1. Mineral Deposits

If the coffee maker isn’t cleaned up properly every now and then, mineral deposits build up inside which can cause some serious problems. They can potentially end up making the Proctor Silex Coffee Maker stop working completely. This is why you need to clean it yourself or get it cleaned immediately in order for it starts working again. You’ll obviously need to open the coffee maker up and clean it from the inside. You can easily do this by referring to the cleaning manual.

This should be on the full manual that you got alongside the Proctor Silex Coffee Maker. Even if you don’t have the manual anymore, you can easily locate a copy of it online through your browser. Just follow all the steps given on the cleaning manual to get rid of the mineral deposits and then try to use the coffee maker again. It should now be working perfectly again. If mineral deposits weren’t the issue, here’s what you can do.

  1. Empty Water Reservoir

You need to make sure that the water reservoir itself on the coffee maker isn’t completely empty, otherwise, the appliance will obviously not work. This water reservoir is what holds the water at the start of the cycle. Once you pour it into the reservoir, the coffee-making process begins. If this is empty, you won’t be able to get the Proctor Silex Coffee Maker to work properly until you fill it up again. Whether you fill it up completely or to a certain extent is up to you, but it must be said that the latter is much more preferable to avoid overflowing.

  1. Paper Filter

Paper filters are another important part of the coffee maker. There can be problems with the appliance if there isn’t a paper filter inside of it, or if the paper filter that’s currently inside of the coffee maker isn’t the size it should be. That’s why you need to make sure that you’ve added a paper filter to the coffee maker and added it properly. Multiple paper filters inside the coffee maker can also cause the issue. If these three solutions weren’t enough to get the appliance going again, it is possible that it could be damaged. In that case, it’s recommended that you get it fixed, or exchanged if you only bought it recently.