4 Ways To Troubleshoot Presto Food Dehydrator Not Working

presto food dehydrator not working
presto food dehydrator not working

Presto has a wide range of electric kitchen appliances, and they are famous for their high-quality units. For the same reason, they have started manufacturing and launching food dehydrators, but the majority of users complain about Presto food dehydrator not working. With this article, you will find various solutions to the working issue.

How To Troubleshoot Presto Food Dehydrator Not Working?

1. Overheated Unit

When the food dehydrator is not working properly, there are chances that the unit has overheated. In the majority of cases, the dehydrator gets overheated because the fan has jammed or is broken down. The fan is responsible for circulating air all around the unit to ensure a stable temperature while evaporating the moisture. If you suspect that overheating is restricting the performance of a food dehydrator, there are various ways to check it.

To begin with, if the food is coming smaller as compared to the usual size and the taste isn’t captivating, food is over-dried. In that case, you should inspect the fan and look for the damages closely. We suggest that you look at the fan and ensure the fan is turning on. If the fan is not switching on or working, open the unit and clean out the food particles, and don’t forget about the grease or other drippings. Once the cleaning is done, switch on the food dehydrator and see if the fan operates (if the fan operates properly, the unit won’t overheat, hence the issue).

2. Fuse

If the fan doesn’t seem to be the issue behind the functionality of the Presto food dehydrator, we suggest that you check the fuse. This is because when the fuse breaks down, the food dehydrator won’t be able to switch on. For this purpose, you have to replace the fuse (no, the fuse cannot be repaired). Also, the fuse is pretty cheap, so replacing it shouldn’t be breaking your bank.

3. Blades

In case the fuse is working as it should, but the food dehydrator is still not working, you have to open the unit and check out the blades. This is because if the blades aren’t properly aligned, the fan won’t operate, and the dehydrator will stop working as well. So, make sure that the fan has properly aligned blades (you can use the nose pliers to adjust the blades). On the other hand, if you are unable to adjust the blades, you should replace the entire fan assembly.

4. Breaker

It might be new information for you, but the food dehydrator is integrated with a breaker to make sure the unit is safe from fluctuations in the electricity supply (the fluctuations in voltage can damage the dehydrator). So, if the food dehydrator is still not working, it could be because the breaker is tripped. To fix this issue, just look for the breaker and flip it back. When the breaker is reset, the food dehydrator should be back to normal.

The bottom line is that there are various solutions to fix the unit, and we have mentioned them all already. However, if the food dehydrator is still not operating, you need to call Presto customer support for technical assistance.