How To Pressure Cook Eggs Without Steamer Basket?

pressure cook eggs without steamer basket
pressure cook eggs without steamer basket

An egg a day keeps the doctor away (yes, we improvised). This is because the eggs are loaded with proteins and one egg a day will promisingly meet the nutritional needs. Some people like fried eggs while some people love boiled eggs. The eggs can be easily boiled in the pan but if you want to pressure cook eggs without steamer basket, we have everything you need to know about this!

Pressure Cook Eggs Without Steamer Basket

Yes, you can pressure cook the eggs without a steamer basket but it doesn’t promise the intact texture of the eggs. This is because, during the pressure cooking, the stuff inside the pot is moved (or we may say thrashed). With this intense moving of the eggs, the chances of cracking will increase. But why do people still want to pressure cook the eggs? We have the answer.

So, when you hard-boil the eggs in a pressure cooker, the shell of the egg will easily come off that will leave behind the smooth texture of the egg. The best thing is that you can hard-boil dozens of eggs, irrespective of the fact that eggs are old or fresh, the hard-boiling will be perfect. This is mainly because the pressure cookers have rapid temperature variations for the promising boiling outcome.

The bottom line is that you can use the pressure cooking function of the electric pressure cookers to hard-boil the eggs but we don’t suggest ditching the steamer basket since it can crack the eggs. When you want to use the pressure cooker for hard-boiling the eggs, you can use the 5-5-5 method. With this method, you need to add one cup of water to the pressure cooker and add a steamer basket on the top.

On the steamer basket, just place the eggs and seal the pressure cooker. The first five minutes will be utilized for creating the high pressure in the cooker. The next five minutes will be used for cooking (boiling) the eggs. Also, the last five minutes will be used for optimizing the natural releasing of pressure from the cooker before you open the lid and take out the eggs.

In addition, you can cook the eggs for 4-4-4 settings because it helps cook the firm white egg with a soft yolk at the center. So, the time of boiling depends on how you like your boiled eggs. In addition to the electrical pressure cooker, you can also boil the eggs in the stovetop pressure cooker. With such a pressure cooker, the eggs will be boiled and cooked quicker.

This is because the stovetop pressure cookers attain the high-temperature and high-pressure setting in a limited period. Besides, if you are still struggling with the cracked eggs in the pressure cooker even without the steamer basket, you might want to choose the low-pressure setting but it might lead to inconsistent results.

The Bottom Line

The bottom line is that you can surely pressure cook the eggs without a steamer basket but it is likely to increase the egg-cracking. So, you can either add the steamer basket or opt for the low-pressure setting.

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