2 Most Common Philips Air Fryer Problems (Troubleshooting)

philips air fryer problems
philips air fryer problems

Philips is top-notch kitchen equipment and electronics brand. This is because they have high-performance machines but Philip’s air fryer problems are very frustrating. That’s to say because it tarnishes the cooking performance. So, in this article, we are sharing the common problems with Philips air fryer and its solutions.

Philips Air Fryer Problems

1) Doesn’t Switch On

Excessive Devices

How are we supposed to cook our delicious and healthy meal if the Philips air fryer doesn’t switch on, right? Well, this is not a severe issue because we have the troubleshooting methods for it. First of all, the air fryer will not switch on if there are too many appliances plugged into one power socket. In this case, you should use another power socket or reduce the number of plugged devices.

Incorrect Power Socket

Secondly, the air fryer will not switch on if you haven’t inserted the power plug into the power socket. That being said, the users need to ensure that the air fryer’s plug is connected to the right power socket. Also, make sure that the plug has a firm connection with the power socket. We suggest that you remove the plug and insert it again firmly.

Timer Settings

Thirdly, when the air fryer doesn’t switch on, there are chances that the timer settings are inappropriate. For instance, when the timer on the air fryer is set to ten minutes or less. In that case, we request that you increase the timer count on the air fryer. As a result, the air fryer will switch on without any issues.

2) Food Isn’t Crispy

Excessive Food

The Philips air fryers are designed to cook crispy and juicy food. So, when the food doesn’t come out crispy with a Philips air fryer, you need to keep in mind the following factors. First of all, this issue occurs when there are too many food items or snacks in the basket. It is suggested that you don’t add huge batches of food in the basket because small batches have more even outcome (one layer is fine).

Incorrect Food Preparation

In case you are air frying the homemade fries and they aren’t coming out crispy, you haven’t prepared them correctly. For this purpose, you need to peel the potatoes and cut out the sticks. Once cut, soak them in water for twenty minutes and dry them with a paper towel (or kitchen paper). Then, coat the fries with olive oil and add them to the basket in an even layer. Also, shake the basket two to three times while air frying the food.


Thirdly, when you are trying to cook oven recipes in the air fryer, the food won’t come out crispy enough. That being said, the users need to ensure that they only cook oven-ready food products because they become crispy and golden brown upon cooking. In addition, setting the right temperature is important to ensure that food is crispy enough.

Temperature Settings

Generally, the majority of snacks are prepared at 200-degrees Celsius but the pastry snacks are different. The pastry snacks are cooked at 180-degrees Celsius. In addition to temperature, the users need to ensure that they have set the correct preparation time. The preparation time is essential for optimizing the texture of the food.

Preparation Time

Usually, the snacks need optimal preparation time to ensure food is properly cooked. Keep in mind that the deep fat fryers have a short preparation time and don’t well-cook the food. As far as the cooking time is concerned, the users need to set at least five to ten minutes for proper cooking. However, if the food isn’t crispy enough, just add an additional time frame. The users are advised to shake the Philips air fryer’s basket two to three times while preparing food.

Oil Or Fat Content

When users don’t correctly use the fats or oils, it will result in uneven food outcome or non-crispiness. Keep in mind that the food won’t come out crispy if it has a high-fat content. That being said, there are some tips to keep in mind.

First of all, the food must be properly dried before you add the oil. However, don’t use excessive oil because it reduces the crispiness. Last but not least, always add a thin coat of oil on poultry and meat! The bottom line is that these are common air fryer issues. However, if you have any other issues, just call Philips customer support!