6 Best Pernod Substitutes (Alternatives To Pernod)

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pernod substitutes

What is Pernod?

Pernod is a French anise-flavored liqueur that gives a licorice flavor to the recipes – especially used in seafood. It was traditionally used for oysters with bouillabaisse and Rockefeller, it’s also great for mussel chunks and creamy fish sauces. Pernod removes fishy odor thanks to its unique taste and properties.

If you want to try those french seafood recipes but do not have Pernod at home, you may use some of these easily available substitutes instead.

6 Best Pernod Substitutes You Should Know

1.   Absinthe

Absinthe is the relative of the Pernod and is also another European spirit. There is also anise, but it has a mix of mugwort leaves and flowers, sweet fennel, and many other herbs. This describes why the soul is green because of all the leaf contained medicinal ingredients it contains. Many Europeans still use this spirit as an licorice ingredient in many old and traditional dishes. It’s the best alternative to perfume, especially when cooking oysters, snails, and cheese, and add 1-2 teaspoons of absinthe.

2.   Lemon juice

If you’re looking for a soft drink instead, lemon is the best alternative to Pernod. Lemon has long been known as an ideal ingredient for desserts, savory dishes, pickles, and beverages. This powerful fruit is rich in vitamin C, so you can choose this option. Replacing Pernod with lemon may not produce the flavors of anise and licorice, but simply squeeze it out to deodorize and add a sweet and sour taste.

The difference may be obvious, but it’s an ideal place to enjoy a soft drink, especially if you can’t drink alcohol. It is also affordable and available in all food markets.

3.   Pastis

Pastis is a type of French drink with an anise flavor. It comes from the company that makes Pernod. Naturally, this is the best substitute when there is no Pernod at home or going out of stock at your nearby store.

This drink contains 40 to 45% alcohol, but the alcohol content decreases when cooked with food. Add some drops of pastis to your seafood for a great taste and aroma. Its alcohol evaporates overtime during cooking.

4.   White Wine

This is the safest choice as an alternative to Pernod and an important ingredient, especially in French dishes. Risotto, pasta, quiche, seafood, and desserts include sweeter, sour white wines. For seafood, it’s best to add up to 2 teaspoons of white wine and 1 teaspoon of white wine to your risotto or pasta. The stronger the white wine, the more acid it provides to the food. Its acidity creates the effect of removing the unpleasant odor of venison and seafood. It is not only suitable for casual drinking, but it is also a great ingredient for cooking.

5.   Vodka

Same as whiskey, vodka can also be added to these alternatives. Although a famous drink with some, vodka is a good ingredient for seafood sauce. Vodka can be an expensive option, but you can find other cheaper brands on the market to save a few dollars. Vodka has a sweet little taste and aroma perfect for fish, shrimp, and scallops. Dissolve one teaspoon of vodka and sauce with other different herbs and spices to enhance the taste of the dish and remove the smell of seafood or meat. Some regions of Italy even use a few drops of pasta.

6.   Whiskey

Another wonderful substitute for Pernod is whiskey. Whiskey can surprise some, but yes, you can add it as a cooking ingredient. Also, whiskey, a strong drink like pear, has a more distinct flavor, especially when aged for a long time. In Europe and Russia, whiskey with red meat is widely used, especially in slow cooking recipes. However, because of its good taste and aroma, it can also be used for seafood.

Wrapping up

It is good to try out French cuisine at home, but Pernod is not easily available everywhere. But now you don’t have to sacrifice your seafood due to a lack of Pernod. By using these substitutes you can easily enjoy seafood and french cuisine at home. So, choose to substitute wisely according to your recipe and enjoy your delicious food.

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