OXO Can Opener Not Working: 3 Ways To Fix

oxo can opener not working
oxo can opener not working

One of the most important utensils in your kitchen can be can openers. While using a standard pair of these is enough to open some cans. People who prefer using canned food might start to get annoyed by how much time this takes. Additionally, it can sometimes take a lot of effort to open cans using a standard device.

This is exactly why companies like OXO have come up with devices that are much easier to use. One of the models of this company has a huge knob and grip on it which makes it extremely easy to open cans. Although, sometimes your OXO can opener might not be working. This can annoy users at first which is why we will be using this article to provide you with a few troubleshooting steps.

OXO Can Opener Not Working

  1. Clean the Device

With time, the user will notice that their can openers can start to get stiff. Eventually, the small motors on them will stop spinning which causes the can opener to become useless. If this happens then most people consider simply replacing their devices with a new one. Although, you should note that some other things can be tried to fix your issue.

The first of these is cleaning up the can opener. This is essential as small layers of dust and pecks of metal can start to get stuck near the wheel of your device. Once these gather up, the motor can have a hard time spinning causing it to give issues. If you simply remove these by cleaning up your can opener then your problem should be gone. You can even keep it soaked in warm water for some time before trying to scrub it. This should soften all the dirt particles making them easier to remove.

  1. Open the Equipment

If simply cleaning up does not work for you. Then another option that you can try is to open the equipment entirely. This will require you to remove some screws on your device. However, once done, you should be able to access all the parts within the can opener.

You can then scrub all the dirt particles and grease that had gotten stuck to the device. These can sometimes be hard to remove while the device is still intact. Considering this, once you properly clean all the parts, assembling it back up should help in your problem getting fixed.

  1. Use Vegetable Oil

Finally, following the steps mentioned above will fix your issue. Although, you might notice that the device still feels stiff. In this case, you can put on some vegetable oil on the motors of your can opener. Leave this for a while and then try spinning the wheels.

You will now notice that the device is much smoother. Considering this, it is recommended that you keep your can opener lubricated for it to work optimally. This should also help your device in lasting you a much longer time before requiring a replacement.