4 Reasons Why Offset Smoker Not Getting Hot Enough

offset smoker not getting hot enough
offset smoker not getting hot enough

Offset smokers are the perfect thing that you can get for smoking bigger cuts of meat since they offer a large grate. Offset smokers also have dual-chamber on them which makes it easier to load more fuel when needed, and you can enjoy an overall seamless experience with these smokers.

There are multiple brands offering multiple offset smokers with a vast range of design factors and sizes and more for you to be having the right experience as you can possibly seek on these offset smokers.

The offset smokers are particularly convenient to be using and you will hardly have to face a problem or two with these offset smokers. The offset smokers are also able to attain the perfect temperature that you need for smoking and grilling.

However, if the offset smoker is not getting hot enough, it can cause you to have certain issues or problems with the grilling as well. A few such things that you must know about are:

How to Fix Offset Smoker Not Getting Hot Enough?

1. Mind the Food Quantity

The first thing that can cause you to face such issues has to do with the food quantity. You need to be careful about the food you are putting inside your smoker, and at the same time, you will need to ensure that you are checking on the wood quantity as well. The more food quantity you want to smoke on the offset smoker, the more wood you need to put in it as well.

If the wood quantity is lower than the food you are smoking inside, that could be causing you to face a number of issues and that is something you will have to be careful about. Taking care of the quantity optimally should be enabling you to enjoy the right experience with overall cooking and you will not have to face any such issues or problems on it either with lower heat.

2. Opening Smoker Lid Frequently

The offset smokers work by keeping the hot air inside the container, and that air is heated up to cook the food. If you are opening the lid frequently to check on the food inside or having any such other problems like that, that could be causing you to have issues with the offset smoker not getting heated up properly and you would like to fix it.

If the wood and food quantity are appropriate, you will not have to worry much about getting any such problems on the smoker either. All you will have to take care of is ensuring that you let the lid close so the hot air cannot escape, and the cold air cannot get inside the food compartment of your smoker. Once you keep the lid closed for longer periods, and don’t keep on checking the food, it will be allowing you to enjoy a seamless overall experience and you will not have to face any issues with the smoker not heating up properly.

3. Cracks on the Smoker

Another reason for your offset smoker to be not heating up properly could be a result of your smoker having some leaks or cracks on it that might be the main culprit here. That is why you will have to ensure that you are checking on all such cracks or any leak points that might be on the food container or the firepit.

If there are any such cracks, the optimal way to have this problem sorted out is to get a new smoker as that would allow you to contain all the hot air inside and that will be getting you the right overall temperature as you might be seeking.

4. Damp Charcoal

If the charcoal is soaked in water, or there is some moisture on it, that could also be a problem for you to have lesser heat. The damp charcoal doesn’t burn properly and as a result, it doesn’t produce enough heat on it as well that you can optimally need to make it all work for you.

That is why, if you are facing any such problems as your offset smoker not getting enough heat. You will need to make sure that you are checking on the charcoal, and try to always keep your charcoal in a dry place for better heat on it.