4 Common Magic Mill Slow Cooker Problems

magic mill slow cooker problems
magic mill slow cooker problems

Slow cookers have undoubtedly revolutionized the world of cooking. You’re not alone if you hate standing in the kitchen for countless hours, prepping meals, and not even liking the taste of the food once it’s cooked. We understand how exhausting it can get. With a slow cooker, you won’t have to experience any of that anymore.

The Magic mill slow cooker comes with three settings, ranging from low temperature to high and the Keep Warm settings. The keep-warm settings ensure that your food stays warm once you’re done cooking. The Magic Mill slow cooker settings are manually adjustable and help you change the settings according to your need.

This feature helps the Magic Mill slow cooker stand out. Unlike other slow cookers which come with automatic settings, you can control what temperature you want to cook on.

The magic mill slow cooker has a large cooking capacity, up to 10-quartz in some cases which makes it ideal for big families. The cooker is made of stainless steel which guarantees longer durability and these pots are easier to clean.

If you find yourself struggling with nasty stains, try soaking the pot in some lukewarm water for a while. Once the pot has been soaked in water, it gets easier to clean.

Magic Mill Slow Cooker Problems

Here are a few common issues most slow cooker users face and their solutions

1) The slow cooker won’t turn on:

At times the slow cooker won’t turn on at all. This doesn’t mean you have to get it replaced. Mostly, it’s the lack of power supply that leads to this complaint. If it’s an electrical slow cooker, check the electricity supply. The slow cooker won’t operate to its full potential if not provided with an adequate power supply. Check for circuit trips and electricity fluctuations, most of these issues arise in such circumstances.

Although the Magic Mill slow cooker doesn’t have the timer option but incase the timer gets set on, the slow cooker won’t operate unless the timer settings are disabled. 

2) Is your slow cooker not heating up properly?

The slow cooker has one job – to heat food. But at times you might find yourself struggling with that too. Either the slow cooker won’t get to the desired temperature or your food will come out undercooked or take longer than it usually does.

If you observe anything of this sort, make sure you’re setting the slow cooker on High temperature, next access the slow cooker, and make sure you’re sealing it properly.

In case the pressure cooker is not properly closed, the heat will escape out into the atmosphere instead of retaining temperature inside the slow cooker.

3) Is your food cooking unevenly?

Are you new to the entire slow cooker experience? And you can’t help but worry why half of your food comes out undercooked even after you follow the exact recipe?

Before you panic and question your cooking skills, know that you’re not alone. There are a couple of things one should be familiar with before using a slow cooker. All the vegetables and hard ingredients should be chopped to the same size. The smaller pieces of vegetables tend to get cooked quickly as compared to the larger ones. To ensure even cooking, it is recommended to chop all food items especially vegetables to an even smaller size.

4) Why is food coming out raw?

The slow cooker may have revolutionized the world of cooking, but one needs to be familiar with the basics to cook good food. The water ratio tends to vary from recipe to recipe and is very necessary to cook a balanced meal.

So what to do if food is still undercooked and raw even after you’ve cooked it in the slow cooker for a considerable amount of time? Add more water.

However, if the food comes out being extra mushy and soft, time to reduce the water content.

The Magic Mill slow cooker comes with a 1-year warranty, make sure you avail yourself of the warranty card incase something goes wrong with the cooker. To avail of the warranty, you need to order from a reliable vendor or the official website. Never place an order from a vendor who refuses you your warranty services.