Magic Chef Dual Zone Wine And Beverage Cooler Not Cooling (3 Solutions)

magic chef dual zone wine and beverage cooler not cooling
magic chef dual zone wine and beverage cooler not cooling

Magic Chef is known to make some of the best electric appliances out there that are just perfect for all the different sorts of needs you might have and you can use them for all the applications you might have on your mind. Magic Chef appliances are certainly great, and you also get some of the most innovative appliances from them that will help you to get the most out of any needs that you might have and use them for all the applications that might suit your needs best.

With that being said, Dual Zone Wine and Beverage cooler is one such cooler from Magic Chef that is just the perfect thing you might need. While refrigerators mostly have uniform temperature settings on them that enables them to keep everything that you might put in a refrigerator at a certain temperature, there is a lot more to these dual-zone coolers.

You can put the wine and other beverages in different compartments and set the temperature for both of these individually as well. That makes it perfect for you to enjoy the temperature settings of your choice on both these compartments. However, if the dual zone wine and beverage cooler from Magic Chef is not cooling, here are a few things to check upon:

Troubleshooting Magic Chef Dual Zone Wine and Beverage Cooler Not Cooling

1. Reset the Appliance

The dual-zone cooler gets two separate control menus on it that allows you to enjoy just the perfect experience of setting the temperature of your choice and have the right use of your wine and beverage cooler where you will be able to make sure that you are keeping both the wines and other beverages at the right temperature.

At times, the control module can develop some bug or error that needs to be fixed and it can be easily done by performing a simple reset on your Magic Chef Wine and Beverages Dual-zone cooler. So, all you will need to do is to ensure that you are resetting it using the instructions that you might be getting on the owner’s manual.

You can also contact the support department and they will be able to guide you with the proper reset instructions that will be helping you out in sorting the problem for good. After that, you are not likely to face any such problems on the cooler at all.

2. Check for Refrigerant Leaks

Like all the other refrigerators out there, you also get some refrigerant on the Magic Chef wine and beverages cooler so there are hardly any problems that you might have to face with it while using it for any applications you might have on your mind. It is pretty simple and you will need to check for the condenser at the back and see if there are any leakages there.

If you feel like you might not be the best person to figure it out, it is better to get a technician from Magic Chef who will optimally be able to detect any leaks that might be there on the refrigerant and causing you to have this problem and not only he will be fixing the leak, but will also be able to make sure that compatible refrigerant is being filled so there are no more problems that you might have to face on the magic chef cooler.

3. Clean the Condenser

If you feel like the refrigerant might not be leaking, and the cooler is just not cooling as efficiently as it should, you will need to take a look at your condenser. The condenser optimally needs the cleaning so air can pass through it, and if there is some sort of dust or dirt accumulated on it, or there might be some other problem, that can be the reason behind you having to face these problems.

So, the best way would be to clean the condenser using an air blower and that should be enough to get you out of any troubles that you might have been facing. Once you clean the condenser properly, the Magic Chef dual Zone wine and beverages cooler will start working as well as new, and you are not likely to face any such problems at all on it.