Comparing London Broil vs Brisket: What Makes Them Different?

london broil vs brisket
London Broil vs Brisket

If you’re new to professional cooking, it can be a little easy to get confused between certain terms and think that one dish is another. Two of the most famous dishes that people often get confused between are London Broil vs Brisket.

Both of these are quite similar which is why we will be using this article to provide you with a comparison between them. Anyone that has a hard time realizing the major distinctions between both of these recipes should check out the details in the comparison below to find out what they are.

The Differences Between London Broil vs Brisket

London Broil

One of the most famous types of dishes that you will notice people making is London Broil. This uses the back of lower round muscles on a cow. Considering this, the texture of the meat is quite tough, but it has a great flavor. The only thing that you need to keep a check over is how you cook the cuts.

These have to be kept under a high and fast flame that will help in softening the meat. If you don’t do this properly then the meat can be chewy. However, if you cook the cuts perfectly then your meat should become a nice slice of steak. As for the flavor, you have to marinade your cuts before you start cooking them. All of the ingredients used in seasoning will be added to the London Broil cut. People use tons of spices, but you should keep in mind that this usually depends on the personal preferences of a person.

It’s a very juicy and flavorful cut of meat that tastes amazing if prepared correctly. It doesn’t have a very noticeable specific taste of its own and usually depends on the ingredients that are prepared along with it. The best way to prepare London Broil well is to make sure you marinate it with perfect ingredients. There are lots of possible options, so you can do some research and decide which one of them works especially well for you depending on your preferences. 


Talking about cuts of meat, another famous one that you will notice is Brisket. This is taken from the lower chest of beef. Considering this, the meat is much easier to cook when compared with London Broil. You should note that brisket also falls under the nine beef primal cuts. The definition for this might vary a little depending on where you live but brisket usually contains muscles from deep pectorals and superficial.

As mentioned above, London Broil is cooked under a high flame and the process is done quickly. On the other hand, brisket has tons of fat which is why you have to cook it slowly. Ensuring that all of this fat stays under a flame for a long time will help the cut in becoming even better. If done properly, you can get flavorful and tender cuts of beef that will be amazing to eat. Just like the cut mentioned above, the seasonings for brisket might also vary. You can choose what spices can be used before starting to cook the dish. People can also find traditional recipes online and try them out.

These are quite easy as long as you follow all the instructions carefully. Just keep in mind that there are also tons of problems that you can run into. One of the best tips is to have a food thermometer with you at all times. This will help you in ensuring that you cook the slices of meat perfectly. Most recipes already provide people with the temperatures they have to take out their cuts at. This can help you in ensuring that the slices of beef are perfectly cooked when you take them off the flame. Going through the information provided above, you should easily be able to tell how both of these cuts are different.

Final Thoughts

Now that you know more about both of these cuts and what they have to offer, you can choose which sounds better to you. Both of them have their attractive features and it comes down to your personal choice to decide which is the superior option.