KitchenAid Mixer Bowl Comes Loose: 6 Ways To Fix

KitchenAid Mixer Bowl Comes Loose
KitchenAid Mixer Bowl Comes Loose

The KitchenAid Mixer is one of the most popular mixing appliances used around the globe.

KitchenAid is a household name in the world of kitchen appliances. The company has established quite a name for itself for the reliability of its products and the quality of service it offers.

If you own a KitchenAid Mixer Bowl, you should know that problems with the appliance are also likely to occur from time to time. You need to understand what causes these issues and what you can do to fix them.

The most popular mixing appliance
The most popular mixing appliance

One of the most common problems that might arise is when the mixer bowl of the KitchenAid appliance becomes loose. When that happens, the mixer won’t work properly, as the bowl will start shaking violently whenever you turn the mixer in full.

KitchenAid Mixer Bowl Comes Loose

It’s really an annoyance, so you must look at ways to fix the problem. You don’t want your mixer bowl being violently thrown about.

1. Check The Snapping

Okay, so if you are using the bowl life model, you need to check the snapping and make sure that the bowl is snapped firmly at the back. Also, while you are inserting or placing the bowl on the arm, you need to place your hands on top to apply some pressure.

Also, push down the bowl at the back rim until you can hear the bowl snapping down. Once it’s fully snapped, it won’t come loose.

But, if it’s still coming loose, then the problem really doesn’t lie with the snapping on the bowl. Read on to find out more issues and how you can troubleshoot them.

2. Dough Quantity

Check the dough quantity
Check the dough quantity

So, you are making the bread loaves and want to knead all the dough at once? Sure, it is convenient, but it can adversely impact the positioning of the bowl. With this being said, you need to reduce the dough quantity from the mixer bowl and try snapping it in again.

It is suggested to check the capacity of your mixer bowl and add the dough ingredients accordingly. If you add lots of dough and start mixing it (it’s going to rise), there won’t be enough space left in the mixer to mix properly.

Ultimately, the bowl is going to come loose. You need to check the markings on the mixer bowl and make sure you do not fill it up to the brim. It’s a terrible idea to fill it up all the way.

Please mix the dough twice instead of filling it up to the brim in one go.

3. Worn Out

Check the condition of your stand mixer
Check the condition of your stand mixer

If the mixer bowl is getting loose even after reducing the dough quantity, there are chances that the bowl’s bottom has worn out. The bottom side of the mixer bowl usually has bumps that are clacked into the arm.

So, if these bumps are worn out, the bowl tends to become loose. If this is the case, you will need to replace the mixer bowl.

Because KitchenAid is such a popular product, you should know that finding a replacement is not as difficult as you might think. Please buy a replacement and see if that fits properly. The bowl will create friction as the two surfaces come in contact with each other.

4. Speed

Use the appropriate speed
Use the appropriate speed

In addition to the dough quantity, you need to be extremely mindful of the speed you are using for the mixer bowl. For instance, if you are kneading the dough, you cannot go above speed level two, or the bowl will come loose.

This is because the dough’s weight, higher speed, and force will lead to unlocking those bumps, and the mixer bowl will come out. So, reduce the speed, snap in the bowl, and try again.

It’s not necessary to always activate and use your mixer bowl at the maximum speed settings. Please keep the speed in control to ensure no excessive pressure on the bottom of the bowl that may cause it to pop out.

5. Beater

Set the beater settings
Set the beater settings

When it comes down to the KitchenAid mixer bowl, one needs to be precise with the settings for accessing high-end functionality.

With this being said, if the beater adjustment is too low, it will lead to unnecessary pressure resulting in abrupt unlocking of the bowl. So, always adjust the beater settings according to the instruction manual.

The KitchenAid mixer bowl comes with a pretty concise and clear instructions manual that gives you maximum control over your appliance and makes it easy for you to learn everything about the different features of the appliance.

Check the settings for the beater and select one accordingly. Make sure you set the right settings depending on what you are doing.

6. Check Warranty

We recommend calling the professional
We recommend calling the professional

If you have tried all the troubleshooting methods and the mixer bowl is still loose, we suggest talking to KitchenAid and replacing the mixer bowl.

Keep in mind that they will only replace the bowl if your mixer is in warranty. On the other hand, you can exchange and give your old bowl and extra cash to get the new and better bowl.

The company takes after-sales service very seriously and has begun to offer replacements at various service centers. It will be a wise idea on your part to ensure that you go to a local repairer who fixes appliances and get an idea about the costs.

Instead of giving the bowl in warranty, you should check whether it can be repaired or not. If the repair costs are relatively low, it will be a better idea to get that done instead.

You will save more money, and you won’t have to go through all the trouble of waiting for a replacement to be shipped in.