3 Common KitchenAid Ice Cream Maker Problems

kitchenaid ice cream maker problems
KitchenAid Ice Cream Maker Problems

Some people who enjoy making ice cream at their homes purchase ice cream makers from various companies. The model made by KitchenAid is considered to be one of the best but there are also some problems with it. This is why we will be using this article to provide you with a list of common issues that you can run into along with ways to fix them.

KitchenAid is one of the best companies that is known for manufacturing some of the best kitchen appliances for their users. They have a huge lineup that you can select from. Additionally, each of these devices has unique features. This is why you must go through these models carefully. Checking their specifications should allow you to purchase a model that best suits your usage.

KitchenAid Ice Cream Maker Problems

  1. Device Not Assembled Correctly

If your KitchenAid ice cream maker is running into problems then one of the most common reasons for it can be its assembly. You should note that this device requires you to assemble it in a certain configuration depending on what type of mixer you have. Considering this, if your equipment is not working then there is a high chance that this problem is caused by your device not being set up correctly.

 Instead of trying to configure this on your own again, you should consult the manual. This should contain step-by-step instructions on how you can set up the KitchenAid ice cream maker without any problems. If you have lost your manual, then you can also find a copy of it posted online. Just make sure that you search for the exact model of ice cream maker that you have.

  1. KitchenAid Ice Cream Maker Not Switching On

Another common problem that people report with the KitchenAid ice cream maker is that the device does not switch on. This can be quite frustrating, but you should note that there are several reasons why this can happen. Considering this, the first thing that you can check is if the power cable for your device is plugged in. Make sure that this is not loose or damaged in any way.

Usually, damaged cables should have small cracks or tears in them that can be seen easily. If there are any then you will have to get your wire replaced with a new one. Although, if there is nothing wrong with your wirings then the outlet might be faulty. You can either try plugging your device into another outlet. Alternatively, you can check your current outlet with a voltmeter. Taking readings of the current coming from your socket should allow you to confirm if there are any problems with it.

  1. KitchenAid Ice Cream Machine Not Moving

Finally, if your device was working perfectly before you added your ice cream mixture to it. But it stopped moving as soon as you put in the mixture then there is something wrong with your ingredients. Ensuring that you add the perfect quantity of ingredients when making ice cream is also essential. If you make the solution too thick then the device can have trouble trying to mix it.

One easy way to fix this problem is by adding a liquid to your ice cream mixture. This should allow the device to start moving again. However, you have to keep in mind that adding too much water is also problematic. This will give your ice cream a watery texture which is why you must maintain a proper proportion of ingredients.

1 thought on “3 Common KitchenAid Ice Cream Maker Problems”

  1. Hi… my kitchenaid ice cream makes drive shaft is too long for my new proline mixer…it worked on my old mixer…is there different size drive shift and paddle?

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