3 Quick Fixes For KitchenAid Ice Cream Maker Leaking Issue

kitchenaid ice cream maker leaking
KitchenAid Ice Cream Maker Leaking

The ice cream maker from KitchenAid is one of the best pieces of equipment that can be used to make desserts easily. While operating simple equipment as an ice cream maker shouldn’t be that hard, there are still certain problems that you can run into.

Considering this, one common complaint that we have seen various users make is that their KitchenAid ice cream maker is leaking. Hence, we will be using this article to provide you with some steps to fix your KitchenAid ice cream maker in case it is leaking. So, if you are also facing the same problem, be sure to keep on reading!

KitchenAid Ice Cream Maker Leaking

  1. Check Water Pumps

The ice cream maker from KitchenAid is an amazing device that is quite easy to use. Although, the main problem with it is configuring the machine. Considering this, if you notice that your device is leaking then there might be something wrong with its configuration. There are tons of parts that can cause this, but the most common reason includes water pumps.

 Make sure that you have installed these correctly. Sometimes people do not set these up tightly which can cause some liquid to leak when using the machine. Considering this, open up your ice cream maker and then plug all of its water pumps back in tightly. Ensuring that all of the parts have been properly set up should allow you to fix the problem.

  1. Check Pipes

The KitchenAid ice cream maker uses pipes that have water flowing through them. This allows the device to pump water into the mixture when required. Although, you should note that these pipes will start getting worn out over time.

Additionally, these can sometimes start getting loose. If this happens then your equipment will start leaking. Considering this, make sure that all the pipes are properly fitted. If you notice any of these have gotten damaged or worn out then replace them with new ones.

  1. Contact KitchenAid

If you are still getting the same problem even after going through the steps mentioned above, then there is a high chance that your equipment is faulty. This can be quite annoying to deal with however, you should note that the problem can easily be fixed by contacting KitchenAid.

If your device was still under warranty then the support team should provide you with a replacement unit. However, if you have run out of warranty then you will have to pay for the repairs. Check the warranty guidelines provided along your product to understand how the service works. The support team should also help you by answering any queries that you had.

The Bottom Line:

Sick with having your KitchenAid ice cream maker leaking? We have listed all the possible solutions to this particular problem. Following them should help you get the issue resolved in no time at all!