3 Ways To Fix KitchenAid Dishwasher Panel Lights Blinking

kitchenaid dishwasher panel lights blinking
kitchenaid dishwasher panel lights blinking

There’s no denying that kitchen appliances have made our time in the kitchen much easier and convenient. Today, there are plenty of different kitchen appliances which are readily available to help us. One such popular appliance is a kitchen dishwasher which helps clean your dishes for you.

How to Fix KitchenAid Dishwasher Panel Lights Blinking?

KitchenAid is a popular company that provides various dishwashers. However, quite a number of users have been experiencing difficulties with the dishwasher. According to these users, there is a control panel on which certain light indicators have been constantly blinking for no reason at all.

This has raised concern among these users as they don’t have much idea on what could possibly be the reason. While the light indicators are used to indicate the different cycle modes of the dishwasher, let’s take a look at all the different reasons why could be facing this issue!

  1. Resetting a KitchenAid Dishwasher

It could be that your dishwasher is simply experiencing a bug due to which the light indicators are blinking. In such cases, we recommend you try resetting the dishwasher as it should help clear out all the cycles that you may have selected.

In order to reset the dishwasher, you will have to press and hold down the cancel-drain or cancel button. This will reset the cycle, allowing you to choose a new one.

  1. Power Cycle

A quick and easy way you can troubleshoot the issue is to try a power cycle on the dishwasher. In case you don’t have an idea of what a power cycle is, you will basically be turning off the dishwasher from the power source and connecting it back.

So, make sure to disconnect the dishwasher from any power source that it may be connected to. Be sure to keep the dishwasher turned off for a few hours. You can then proceed to connect the dishwasher back to the power source.

  1. Touchpad

The touchpad is another part of the dishwasher that could be the cause for the dishwasher not working like it’s supposed to. Unfortunately, you can’t really repair the control panel or touchpad of the dishwasher. Even if you can, it isn’t recommended that you do.

Instead, we would suggest you get the whole part replaced with a new one. This should also prevent the dishwasher to run into another issue. Do keep in mind that before you replace the part, try getting it checked or if you can check it yourself.

The Bottom Line:

KitchenAid dishwasher panel lights blinking is a pretty common issue being faced by various users. We have mentioned 3 effective ways on how you can easily troubleshoot the issue. Be sure that you give the whole article a thorough read!