4 Steps To Resolve Kenmore Refrigerator Ice Maker Leaks Water

kenmore refrigerator ice maker leaks water
kenmore refrigerator ice maker leaks water

Kenmore refrigerators are one of the best refrigerators in the market with competitive features and a reasonable price tag. It doesn’t matter if your Kenmore refrigerator is new or if you have been using it for a while, it’s common to develop basic issues and Kenmore refrigerator ice maker leaks water is one of these issues. So, with this article, we are sharing the potential solutions!

Kenmore Refrigerator Ice Maker Leaks Water

1. Check The Level

Whenever the refrigerator starts leaking water from the ice maker, the first thing you’ve to do is to check the level. This is because the proper leveling is essential and the front edge of the refrigerator is meant to be higher as compared to the back. If there is a problem with leveling, the refrigerator is highly likely to start leaking water within the refrigerator or on the floor. If you don’t know how to level the refrigerator, you can follow the instructions mentioned below;

  • First of all, you have to check the bottom side of the refrigerator and see if there is a grille. If you see the grille, you have to take it off to gain access to the leveling legs
  • Then, look for the leveling nuts and adjust these nuts for leveling the fridge. Keep in mind that turning the nuts in a clockwise direction will help raise the leveling legs while moving them in the anticlockwise direction will lower the leveling legs
  • Now, adjust the leveling legs once the front side is higher and the backside is lower
  • Lastly, use your carpenter’s level for checking the level

2. Water Tank Assembly

The water tank assembly is another problem associated with the leaking water issue. It is important that you locate your ice maker’s water tank assembly – in case you don’t know the location of this assembly, you can consult the user’s manual. Anyhow, when you locate the water tank assembly, you must check it for tears and cracks, and if there are such issues, it needs a replacement as it could be causing the leaking water. You can also follow the instructions mentioned below to replace the water tank assembly;

  • To begin with, you have to disconnect your Kenmore refrigerator from the power source and make sure the water supply is cut off
  • Check the manual to determine the connection of water tanks. Once you find the connection, you need to unthread its screw and remove the cover (the cover covers the screw) for gaining access to the water tank assembly
  • Then, take out the water tank and start removing the connected tubes
  • Now, get your hands on the new tank assembly and start reconnecting the tubes
  • Lastly, just install the cover and screw it on

3. Defrost Drain

If you have already followed the two troubleshooting methods but the ice maker is still leaking water, you have to check the defrost drain because its clogging could lead to the issue. It’s pretty obvious that you have to unclog the defrost drain and you can follow the instructions mentioned below to clean your defrost drain, such as;

  • You have to start by checking the user’s manual to determine the defrost drain’s location because it depends on the specific model
  • When you find the defrost drain, you have to start by cleaning the entrance because the food particles and debris could be stuck to the entrance. In addition, you can also use a wet cloth for cleaning it
  • Then, make the warm water and baking soda mixture, and use your turkey baster for flushing the mixture down the defrost drain
  • Once the defrost drain is clean, you can stop flushing the mixture (you will know it when the water starts dripping into the drain pan and you are able to hear it)

4. Drain Pan

There are various issues that could be wrong with the drain pan, which leads to the water leaking issue. The drain pan is responsible for collecting the melted water after every defrost cycle. So, when it comes down to the drain pan, you need to consider the following points;

  • You have to ensure that the drain pan is not overflowing because if it has too much water, it will topple over the drain pan, leading to leaks
  • Secondly, you must check the drain pan’s position to make sure it is correctly installed. This is because many people take out the drain pan for cleaning but don’t install it properly
  • Lastly, check for the cracks, and if there are some damages and cracks, you have to replace the drain pan

So, is the problem resolved?