3 Easy Ways To Fix Kenmore Portable Dishwasher Won’t Drain

kenmore portable dishwasher won't drain
kenmore portable dishwasher won’t drain

Just like Whirlpool and Danby, Kenmore has established itself quite nicely in the home appliances market. It brings some of the most reliable and power-efficient units that you can purchase from the store. So, if you’re looking for a safe investment for your home, Kenmore is the perfect brand for you. 

Recently a lot of people have been talking about the efficiency of Kenmore Portable Dishwashers. However, one issue that some people bring up from time to time is that the Kenmore Portable Dishwasher won’t drain. If you’re in a similar situation and struggling to get the water out of your dishwasher, then the following solutions should help. 

Kenmore Portable Dishwasher Won’t Drain

1. Fix Clogged Hose

If you don’t give any attention to the maintenance of your unit, then that is likely why you’re struggling with the drainage problem. In most situations, people have pointed out that they were running into this issue because of the clogged drainage hose. This issue is quite common when you don’t clean out the base of your unit, and the food particles and debris keep collecting in the unit. Luckily, the troubleshooting method is not that expensive, and you will just have to clear out the drainage hose to fix this problem. 

Depending upon the model you own, start by removing the base of the unit and make sure that there is nothing stuck in the drainage outlet. Then you can either remove the drainage hose altogether or pump out the debris with sufficient water pressure. Both of these methods should help you unclog the drainage hose. 

2. Check Drainage Timer

The drainage board has a timer that initiates the drainage cycle once the dishes have been washed. So, if you’re sure that there is nothing clogged in your drainage unit, then you’re dealing with a defective timer. You can isolate this problem by checking the pump motor action and the power output from the source. If there is nothing wrong with other units, then try replacing the drainage timer to get ahead of this issue. 

The good thing is that you can get a replacement unit quite easily without having to spend a huge budget. So, just browse through some online stores and purchase a compatible replacement for your unit.

3. Call Customer Support

If you’ve bought the dishwasher just recently and you’re running into this problem, then the best way to overcome this issue is by calling customer support. Explain your issue to them and forward a warranty claim. Once they verify the warranty status on your model, you will be able to get a new dishwasher for free. 

So, make sure to avoid fixing the unit yourself and inform the suppliers. That way, you won’t have to waste any time with drainage problems, and you will have a new unit that will work perfectly in your kitchen. You can reach out to customer support through a support ticket, or you can also call their company number directly. This way, it will be effortless for you to overcome this issue.