4 Ways to Solve the Kenmore Gas Oven Not Heating Up Issue

kenmore gas oven not heating up
kenmore gas oven not heating up

Kenmore is a well-known name when it comes to appliances for the kitchen. Their product range is vast and consists of many different products, all of which are quite great in different ways. One thing in particular which they are known for is their collection of great gas ovens which are available for purchase at official stores.

These handy devices are helpful for obvious reasons, being reliable ovens with multiple different elements and features that are used for specific aspects of cooking. But the device can’t be used to cook if it never heats up.

Kenmore gas ovens aren’t usually the most problematic of appliances that one can buy, but there are occasional troubles that users will have to face from time to time. One of these issues is related to the general working of the oven. This is related to the Kenmore has oven not heating up.

Even if it is on, the appliance won’t be heating up like it should be meaning that it obviously can’t be used to prepare whatever meal you’re looking to make. That’s no good, which is why we’ve come up with a list of solutions to get past this.

How to Fix Kenmore Gas Oven Not Heating Up?

  1. Power Issue

The first thing and the most obvious one that comes to mind is an issue with the electrical aspect of things. Gas ovens don’t need as much power as electrical ones, but they still need a steady and stable supply of electricity to work properly.

If they don’t get this, they might turn on with the little that they’re provided, but won’t work properly since none of the functions can be used to their full extent. That’s why it’s very important that the 120 volts your Kenmore gas oven needs are being provided without fault with the help of a multimeter test conducted on the socket where the oven is plugged in.

  1. Thermal Fuse

If your oven isn’t heating up at this moment, it’s likely because sometime in the recent past, it heated up a little too much.

In simpler words, it got too hot for even itself to handle. This actually happens a lot more commonly with gas ovens than one might think, and can be very dangerous. That’s why Kenwood and most other brands now have thermal fuses in their gas ovens which immediately trip as soon as things get too hot.

This prevents the oven from heating up any further and saves users from any serious harm which is obviously a preferable thing. However the problem is now the thermal fuse must be fixed. Before trying to fix it, first ensure that it truly is at fault by using a multimeter to test the fuse for continuity.

If it is fact blown, then there’s no other solution than getting a new thermal fuse and replacing the old one, which is much simpler than it sounds.

  1. Igniter Issues

The igniter is easily one of the most important parts of the Kenwood gas oven, or any other oven for that matter. It is the one that uses the electric current to manage the oven safety valve and open it when needed, before becoming hot enough to finally warm up the oven and get it ready for use. But if the igniter isn’t working properly, the oven won’t heat up either.

This is why it’s important to make sure that there aren’t any issues with this specific element either. To check whether or not the igniter is weak/unfit for further usage, observe it while having the oven turned on. If it continues to glow for over a minute and a half without igniting the gas flame, it means that it is too weak to be used and must be replaced.

  1. Broil Element Issues

The other one to take care of is the broil element, as it’s also important and there can be many problems with the oven if it isn’t working properly. Using a multimeter will be enough for this one. Just use the tool to check for continuity and then replace it if there’re any problems.