5 Common June Oven Problems (Troubleshooting)

june oven problems
june oven problems

You’re probably reading this article because the June Oven-craze got the best of you ? You’re not alone when it comes to obsessing over the latest kitchenware. Thanks to technology, cooking is no longer a hurdle for anyone.

If you don’t know exactly what temperature to cook your food on? Well, with the latest June oven technology you have nothing to worry about. This oven requires a stable Wi-Fi connection and is operated through its app. You just need to put your food inside the oven and the rest is not your headache. Not only does the oven recognize the meal you’re cooking but it also preheats the oven settings accordingly. Sounds pretty fancy, right?

June Oven Problems

Just like all other good-quality ovens, the June oven might occasionally suffer from a minor problem or two. Here’s everything you need to know about what can go wrong with the oven June oven and how to fix it.

1) Be careful with the App

We completely understand if you’re addicted to scrolling through the June app but while you do so please be careful. Multiple users have reported in different circumstances how the oven automatically got preheated or in one case got heated to as high as 400 Fahrenheit. While the user who owned the oven had no memory of switching the oven on.

So what went wrong here? According to the company, most of these incidents took place because the users accidentally activated the preheating settings without realizing it. The accidental setting activation leads to the ovens preheating or heating on their own.

Try being careful with the app and if you’re not sure about yourself simply disconnect the oven from the main power supply when you’re not using it.

2) The oven doesn’t turn on at all?

At times the June oven doesn’t turn on at all. If you’re facing the same issue, make sure to check if the oven is connected to the main supply. The oven must have a stable electricity supply to operate smoothly.

Not only is electricity necessary, but a good internet connection will also help you smoothly operate the June Oven.

3) Keep the oven updated to the latest version

The June oven gets updated automatically, however, if the oven is not getting updated automatically you can update it manually. Go to the setting option and from there chose “maintenance”, next select the update option. If you can’t manually update your oven according to this method it’s time to call the official June support helpline. Since it is necessary to keep the oven updated for optimal functioning.

4) The touch screen might show an error.

It’s completely fine if your June Oven is showing an error on the screen. The error might be because you’ve overheated the oven. To get rid of the error, unplug the oven from the main supply. Let the oven cool for about 20-30 minutes. Then switch the oven back on, the error will no longer be visible on the screen.

5) Is your June oven suddenly not connecting to the wifi?

At times, the June oven doesn’t connect to the Wi-Fi. As frustrating as it can get, you must be patient to identify the cause. Check if anyone has recently changed the Wi-Fi password you’re connecting to. Ensure that the router is placed in the vicinity the oven can easily pick connection. Next, make sure that the Wi-Fi you’re using is secured. The June oven cannot identify and connect to a wi-fi that is not security-proof.

If none of these solutions help, turn the Wi-Fi on again and try again.

Not satisfied with your June Oven? Well, experiences tend to vary from user to user. While most users believe that this modified oven version of a toaster is an amazing addition to their kitchen while others might disagree with its performance. In any case, if you want to avail the 100-day-exchange policy make sure to order from the original June website.

The company will not be replacing the June Oven if it’s not directly bought from the official website. In order to avoid any inconvenience, if you’re not satisfied with the June Oven, avoid ordering from a middle vendor who can neither provide any warranty nor any refund services.