How To Use Inkbird Humidity Controller?(Answered)

how to use inkbird humidity controller
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how to use inkbird humidity controller

Inkbird is a Chinese brand, that is offering tons of different devices that are particularly great for enjoying the perfect experience with your cooking or any other smart home applications. Their humidity controller is one such device that is pretty phenomenal in performance.

It allows you to control the humidifiers/dehumidifiers in your place which have a voltage rating from 100 to 265. It can be used for a wide range of products like mushroom gardening, mini-greenhouses, crawl spaces, turtle enclosures, curing chambers, snake cages, and more.

If you are confused about how you can make it work, here are a few things that you must know about it.

How To Use Inkbird Humidity Controller?

1. Lay Out the Wiring

The first thing that you will need to be taking care of is the wiring. You need to make sure that you are connecting the humidity controller to a working wall outlet, and in a way that you can also place the sensor in your chamber conveniently. Not only that, but you will also have to make sure that you are able to connect the power cords for your humidifier and dehumidifier on the set outlets as well.

2. Configure the Values

The next thing that you will need to take care of is calibrating the humidity numbers and percentages that you would want to have on the chamber. Once you click on the Set button, it will give you the “Hd” option on the upper screen which means humidifier, and you can set the percentage between 5% and 95% on the lower screen for your humidifier.

Once you reach the right differential, you will need to hit the set button again, and it will show you the “dd” feature on the top. That is for the dehumidifier and when the humidity level reaches the level you set here, it will start the dehumidifier automatically.

Then, you press the set button again, and it will show you “AH” which is for the High Alarm. The high value you set here, that goes above when the dehumidifier is supposed to be turned on, will trigger an alarm for you to be notified that the humidity has exceeded the maximum level.

After that, you click the set button, and it will show you “AL” which means a low alarm. The value you set here should be lower than your humidifier on value. Once you set this value, if the humidity level reaches the lower end that you have set here, it will also trigger an alarm.

Once you have that sorted out, you will “CA” option, which is calibration. After you have set all these values, you can press and hold the set button and these settings will be saved.

3. Connect the Wiring

Now, you can place the sensor inside the chamber that you want to control the humidity on, and connect the humidifier on work 1 port while the dehumidifier on work 2 port. That should automatically enable the humidifier and dehumidifier when they are needed as you have configured the settings.

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