How To Reset Filter Change On Thermador Refrigerator?

how to reset filter change on thermador refrigerator
how to reset filter change on thermador refrigerator

Thermador refrigerators have been around for years, and the company has actually launched an array of refrigerators to meet the user’s needs. Some of them are designed with an ice maker, which means there is a need for a water filter. The water filter information is displayed on the refrigerator’s display, including the alert related to filter change.

How To Reset Filter Change On Thermador Refrigerator?

The Thermador refrigerators are designed with the LCED display, which shows information about the internal temperature, ambient temperature, and filter changes. In case you got the filter change alert, and you changed the filter, but it didn’t remove the filter change alert, it’s obvious that you have to reset it. So, with this section, we are sharing how to reset filter change on the Thermador refrigerator;

  1. First of all, you have to locate the “ice” and “cool’ buttons on the refrigerator.
  2. Once you find the buttons, press them both simultaneously for three seconds, and the display will reset.

Following these steps will reset the filter change alert on the refrigerator, but if the alert is still there, you could try deactivating the filter display. For this purpose, you have to follow the below-mentioned steps;

  1. To begin with, you need to locate the “ice” and “setup” buttons on the display.
  2. Press them both for three seconds at once, and the filter display will be deactivated.

The steps are pretty simple, and you can easily reactivate the display by pressing the same two buttons for three to four seconds.

The Filter Change Alert Is Not Going Away

If you have tried both the above-mentioned steps, but the filter change alert is still not going away, you need to follow the below-mentioned tips;

  1. First of all, you have to try the water filter because changing the water filter will simply help get rid of the alert. It is recommended that you change the water filter after every six months, and no, you shouldn’t wait for the alert to pop up on the display before you change the filter. In case you don’t know how to change the filter, just consult the user manual.
  2. Secondly, you must check the doors because the slightly open doors can also lead to different types of alerts on display. That’s because if the doors aren’t closed, the alert will keep beeping to make sure the refrigerator doesn’t lose cold air. It’s recommended that you open the door and close it down tightly. Also, keep an eye on the door seals because damaged door seals prevent the closure.
  3. Thirdly, the alert might be there because you haven’t installed the water filter properly. We recommend that you check the water filter assembly again and make sure it’s tightly installed into the respective ports. In case you don’t have experience changing the water filter, you must hire a professional technician.

These are some steps that can be taken to reset and remove the filter change alert on the refrigerator. However, if it’s still there, you must call Thermador customer support!