4 Ways To Solve Open Stuck Issue On Freezer Door

how to open stuck freezer door
how to open stuck freezer door

A stuck Freezer Door is a problem that you might be facing from time to time and you will need to ensure that you know how you can get it all sorted out and fixed properly. The freezer door has to take a lot, and there is a really low temperature inside the freezer.

After long periods of not opening the freezer door, it can get stuck and with that, you will have a lot of issues and problems to deal with. That is why, if your freezer door is stuck, you will need to get it done properly.

How to Open Stuck Freezer Door?

There are tons of problems that you will have to face, but you need to know that force is not the best solution here. Applying force can damage your freezer door, and internal components or might be having issues with the refrigerant leakage. That is why you will need to know how you can make it work if your freeze door is getting stuck. A few ways to get it sorted out are:

1. Give it some time

The first thing that you should be trying out is giving the freezer door some time after unplugging it from the power. There can be a thin ice layer between your freezer and the door that could be holding the door from opening and causing it to get stuck. That is why the best approach for you should be to let it sit for some time with no power on the freezer.

The thin layer of ice that is causing the freezer door to be stuck will be melted this way in an hour or two. Once you can feel it melting, you can gently try to open the freezer door. That should be helping you out properly to ensure that you are not facing any such issues or problems with the freezer door getting stuck.

2. Pour some warm water

Another easy solution for you is to pour some warm water on the gasket that you have on your freezer door. That will be softening and expanding the rubber gasket that might be shrunk due to extremely low temperature and that could be causing you to face this problem.

Just make sure that you are pouring lukewarm water and not the hot one as that might end up damaging your freezer gasket and the other components. Just a moderate amount should do, and after that, you can try pulling the freezer door. It will be open smoothly afterward and you can clean the water from your freezer body afterward to ensure smoother operations for you once you get that sorted out.

3. Relieve the pressure

At times, there can be refrigerant gas or some other gasses inside the freezer that might not let you open the freezer door. It happens most of the time when you don’t have much stuff put inside the freezer, and that creates a vacuum inside that you will have to deal with. For all such problems and issues, you will have to make sure that you are relieving the pressure properly.

So, you will need to press gently with your fingers on the rubber gasket to break the seal that has been created due to the vacuum between the freezer and door. It should be pretty easy for you to get it sorted out, and you will be able to break the seal with a bit of effort. Once the seal is broken, you will be able to open the freezer door just fine without having to face any further issues or problems on it at all.

4. Replace the rubber gasket

Another common reason for you to face this problem has to do with the rubber gasket, and it can go bad after some usage. That is why, if you feel like the rubber gasket on your freezer door is getting harder, or it is sticking to the surface that is pushed when you close the door, that is a problem and you will need to get that replaced.

Just get the right rubber gasket from OEM and that should be allowing you to have smoother operations on your freezer from this point onwards.