How To Keep Gummy Bears From Melting? Explained

How to Keep Gummy Bears From Melting
How to Keep Gummy Bears From Melting

Gummy bears are small sweets (candies) that have a chewy, jelly-like consistency. They come in a multitude of colors and fruity flavors and, as the name suggests, they’re in the form of little teddy bears.

They are basically the same as the old-fashioned jelly babies, they just have a different shape. Gummy bears are something that a lot of people are already familiar with. But did you know that you can make them at home?

Even if not with their traditional shape, gummy bear-like candies can easily be made in your kitchen if you have a good recipe and the right ingredients. However, there is one problem that a lot of people face with the homemade version, which is melting.

If you’re wondering how to keep your homemade gummy bears from melting, here’s some help.

What Do You Need When Making Gummy Bears?

Most gummy bear recipes are very simple and require just a few easily-available ingredients. You’ll need a microwave or stovetop, plain gelatine and flavored Jell-O, and a bear-shaped mold.

Three gummy bears on a fork

Because you will be using a standard gelatin mix such as Jell-O, there is no need for more flavorings or colorings. Sugar is included in these mixes too, so you will not need any extra. Some people like to add a little citric acid to the mix for a touch of acidity.

Extra unflavored gelatin is needed to get a good set. Remember that homemade gummy bears do not contain the preservatives found in store-bought candies so they must be stored carefully. More on that later.

How Do I Make Them?

We’ve included a precise recipe at the end, but for now, here’s a basic overview of the process.

  1. You’ll need to spray the molds with a non-stick spray first.
  2. Then, mix the Jell-O, extra gelatin, citric acid, and water. Allow it to stand so that the gelatin can soften and absorb water.
  3. Then whisk and microwave the liquid for the recommended time.
  4. Use a dropper to put the jelly liquid into the molds. Put the molds into the fridge to set. Remove the sweets from the molds. To prevent melting, it’s essential to refrigerate them until you serve them.

Why Are My Gummy Bears Sticky and Melting?

Closeup image of a woman holding and looking at a red jelly gummy bear

  • If you’ve omitted the extra gelatin, your sweets will not set firmly enough and will melt easily.
  • If you live in a warm, humid climate, you will need to store the sweets in the fridge to prevent them from melting. This happens because homemade gummy bears do not contain the same preservatives and waxes (such as beeswax) that shop-bought ones do.

What to Do About Melting Gummy Bears

  • As we’ve said, the sweets must be stored in an airtight container
  • Store them in the fridge
  • Eat them within a couple of days of making them (you shouldn’t have any problem with this!)
  • Lightly dust the bears with cornstarch or icing sugar after taking them out of the molds. This will not affect the flavor. The whitish color will soon disappear too but it will help make the bears less sticky and melty.

Recipe for Homemade Gummy Bears

You will need to repeat this recipe several times if you want lots of colors.


  • 3 oz packet of flavored Jell-O or brand of your choice
  • ¼ oz of unflavored gelatin (important)
  • 1/3 cup water


  1. Spray your silicone gummy bear molds with non-stick cooking spray.
  2. Set the molds on trays to make them easier to transfer to the fridge later.
  3. Using a small bowl and a whisk, mix the Jell-O, gelatin, and cold water.
  4. Whisk to dissolve the sugar then leave it to stand for 15 minutes for the gelatin to absorb water and soften.
  5. Whisk again then microwave on High for half a minute. Remove and whisk.
  6. Microwave again for half a minute.
  7. Repeat until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  8. Using a food dropper, drop the jelly liquid into the molds.
  9. Put into the fridge to set for about half an hour.
  10. When firm, remove from the fridge and remove the candies from the molds.
  11. Dust them with cornflour, put them into an airtight container, and store them in the fridge to prevent them melting.
  12. Repeat the process with other colors of Jell-O.