How To Keep Bananas Fresh With Foil? (Answered)

How To Keep Bananas Fresh With Foil
How To Keep Bananas Fresh With Foil

Bananas are one of the most delicious fruits out there but they tend to produce ethylene gas, which results in the blackening of the bananas. For this reason, many people end up making banana bread even if they don’t want to. However, wrapping a foil on the top of the banana bunch can help preserve the bananas for a longer time period. So, we this article, we are sharing how the foil can be used!

How To Keep Bananas Fresh With Foil?

Using Foil To Preserve The Bananas For Longer

Whenever you purchase bananas, it’s important to understand that they are already ripe and will start the browning process. For this purpose, the stems of the banana bunch are wrapped with aluminum foil as it helps slow down the browning process. That’s because the bananas are known to release ethylene gas, which controls the ripening and browning induced by enzymes – it also ripens other fruits. The majority of gas excretion happens on the stems, which is why wrapping them helps slow down the ripening process. So, if you want to use it, we are sharing the step-by-step guide that you’ve to follow;

  • First of all, you have to take bananas from the store packaging because such packaging results in a faster ripening process
  • Now, use a knife to separate the bananas from their bunch but you need to keep the stem intact and only remove the crown area (it’s the thick part on the top)
  • The next step is to apply citric acid like lemon juice or vinegar to the stems where you cut it from the crown
  • Once done, cut around two inches of foil and wrap them around the banana stems. Make sure you wrap it tightly to create an airtight environment – it helps prevent the excretion of gas from the stems. In addition, you can also put on a rubber band around the foil to prevent slipping
  • You have to use the same process for each banana and its stem. On the other hand, if you don’t have access to foil, you can use cling wrap or beeswax wrap
  • Once the stems are sealed, put them in a shaded area of the kitchen (the storage area should be cool, dry, and dark, and make sure it’s away from the stove or heater). In addition, make sure that the bananas aren’t put close to other fruits

Using bananas will help prevent the excretion of ethylene gas and makes sure the bananas remain fresh for over ten days, as long as you maintain room temperature. If you are wondering why aluminum foil works, it’s because it creates airtight protection for the stems, so the ethylene gas doesn’t escape.

Additional Storage Tips For Bananas

In addition to aluminum foil, there are various other tips that you can try to ensure the freshness of bananas. So, let’s check out the effective storage tips;

  1. Banana Hanger

It’s common for people to put bananas on the kitchen countertop and baskets but it only increases the chances of bruising. That’s because the banana flesh will be exposed to oxygen when it’s bruised, which results in the excretion of ethylene gas – it fastens up the ripening and browning process of bananas. For this reason, we recommend that you use a banana hanger as it prevents bruising and optimizes air circulation.

  1. Banana Saver

Banana saver is one of the best tools to prevent banana bruising. This is a purpose-centric storage container to store bananas and prevents them from getting mushy. Also, it’s a great choice for people who want to take bananas on a camping trip.

  1. Using The Refrigerator

Banana is a tropical fruit and should be stored at room temperature only. However, make sure that you put bananas in the refrigerator once they achieve the full ripeness level, particularly when small brown spots become evident. For the same reason, you must not put green bananas in the refrigerator. Once the ripeness level is achieved, you can use a plastic bag with a rubber seal to store the bananas. Using a sealed plastic bag will extend the bananas’ shelf life to five to seven days but make sure you put them in the fruit basket.

So, are you ready to store the bananas?