6 Ideas On How To Deal With Watery Pancake Mix

how to fix watery pancake mix
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how to fix watery pancake mix

With so many breakfast food options available, people with a sweet tooth often opt for pancakes. In fact, pancakes make a perfect breakfast and are actually a formal choice. The trick to making perfect pancakes is to make the batter with the correct consistency and ingredients to ensure they are fluffy and soft. The best thing is that there are proper pancake mixes available in the market, which can be easily mixed up to make perfect pancakes. However, some people end up with watery pancake batters, and we are here to save your pancakes!

How To Fix Watery Pancake Mix?

Pancakes need special preparation to make sure they come out soft and fluffy. To begin with, the batter should have a correct consistency, and it must have all the essential ingredients. However, even with all the instructions, the pancake batter becomes watery. To help you out, we are sharing the solutions in this article.

1. Add Flour

When it comes down to the pancake recipes, flour is the main ingredient, and it wouldn’t be wrong to say that it’s the primary thickening agent. Having said that, it can be utilized for thickening the pancake batter. You need to remember that adding more flour will lead to thicker pancakes, but it can damage the overall texture of the pancakes (they will turn grainy). In addition to this, adding flour will add a dry ingredient, which will absorb extra moisture from the pancake batter, resulting in thickening. Lastly, you can also add some baking powder or buttermilk powder because these powders can also thicken up the batter.

2. Add Some Eggs

Many people don’t know this, but eggs are one of the best thickening agents that you can find. If the pancake batter seems too watery and running, we suggest that you add one egg to make sure the batter achieves the foamy and gooey texture, and it will be easier to spread as well. It is actually an apt way of getting rid of the excessive moisture from the pancake mixture and makes a promising choice for people who don’t like dry pancakes. Keep in mind that it will result in significant egg flavour in the pancakes, so be careful about it.

3. Add Buttermilk

It is common to think that buttermilk will increase the moisture content of the pancake batter. However, just like buttermilk powder, it can make the batter thick because it has a thick texture naturally. In addition, buttermilk will enhance the flavour of pancakes and will be extremely easier and quick to mix everything. The best thing about using buttermilk is that it results in the fluffy texture of the pancakes.

4. Use Cornmeal

In case there is too much water and moisture in the pancakes, you can add some cornmeal to the batter to thicken it. While it’s fine to add flour but cornmeal is a much better thickening agent. Keep in mind that you have to mix everything quickly before you add cornmeal to make sure there are no lumps. Once everything is mixed in and there are no cornmeal lumps, you can go ahead, spread the batter, and cook the pancakes.

5. Check The Recipe

If you are following a new recipe to make your pancakes, there are high chances that it is not correct, and there are too many watery ingredients in the recipes. For this reason, we suggest that you choose a new recipe and always recheck the ingredients yourself rather than trusting the recipe blindly. That being said, choose an authentic recipe to make perfect pancakes.

6. Cocoa Powder

If you don’t mind the chocolate flavour in your pancake, you can always add some cocoa powder to thicken up the batter. However, you should start with a minimal quantity of cocoa powder so you don’t end up with dry pancakes. For instance, start by adding one tablespoon of cocoa powder into the pancake batter and mix it well. Keep in mind that you must strain the cocoa powder before you add it to the batter.

The Bottom Line

It is needless to say that no one likes their pancakes soggy and flat. It is suggested that you use the ingredients mentioned in this article to make sure the batter achieves the right texture so it cooks up well and tastes amazing.

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