How to Dock Pizza Dough?

how to dock pizza dough
how to dock pizza dough

While it is a convenient option for all of those that eat it, pizza is actually a somewhat complicated dish for those that actually have to prepare it. There’s a lot that goes into making sure they’re perfectly prepared, and we’ll be going through one of these things today. That said, a pizza is only as good as the dough that’s being used to prepare it. The dough in itself has a lot of aspects to its preparation as well, and one of the most important ones is docking, which not a lot of people are great at. That’s why many ask us how to dock pizza dough. If you have the same question, continue reading to find out the answer.

Why is Docking Pizza Dough Important?

A lot of people, particularly those that are only just starting to learn how to make pizza at home, aren’t quite sure why docking pizza dough is such an important step in the first place. If you already understand this, skip ahead to the next part of the guide. Otherwise, continue reading if you’re looking to learn more about the importance of the process in general. That said, there are many reasons why this is such an important step, with the main one being shape and consistency.

Docking the pizza dough prevents it from steaming up and losing its shape while it’s inside the oven. It offers you the chance to make sure that the pizza maintains the most ideal shape, and there are other benefits to it as well. One such benefit includes preventing the dough from bubbling up and preventing it from blowing in some spots as a result of the high heat. There are many other advantages to it as well, which is exactly why it’s such an important process. So with that out of the way, allow us to discuss how to dock pizza dough.

How to Dock Pizza Dough?

The first and most important step to docking pizza dough is getting the best possible docker for yourself. The rest is fairly easy and something that anyone will be able to take care of once they have one of these tools. Go to a local store and there should be many of them there or get one online after doing some research according to your specific wants.

The whole process of docking requires you to only pinch both the top and bottom of the dough together. While this is something that sounds simple enough, keep in mind that even docking can be overdone. This is something that no one wants. The pinching technique is made much simpler thanks to the docker.

All you have to do is collect both the top and bottom inside of it and the rest becomes clear. However, there are some dockers which work differently as compared to others, so make sure to read the manual for your specific one. That’s all there is to it, meaning the only important step is getting a good docker, after which everything is taken care of for you.

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