How to Clear Cloudy Alcohol Through 3 Simple Steps

how to clear cloudy alcohol
how to clear cloudy alcohol

Alcohol is used not only for drinking but for cooking, making some other substances, and more. However, making alcohol is not an easy thing, and you will need to be particularly careful with the process when you are trying to make alcohol for any reason you could be having.

With all that being said, the alcohol is mostly with a clear texture on it. However, at times it can start getting cloudy, and that is not something most people would want to have.

So, if you are getting cloudy alcohol, and you want to know how can you clear it out, here are a few things that you should be aware of.

How to Clear Cloudy Alcohol?

1. Bring Down the Proof Level

The alcohol tends to be cleared with a lower proof level on it. It is directly proportional, and the higher the proof level you will have on your alcohol, the cloudier it will get. That is why you will have to ensure that you are bringing down the proof level if you want clearer alcohol. It should be pretty simple for you to be having, and you just need to get the proof level below 40% to have crystal clear alcohol. Once you get that sorted out, you will not have to deal with such problems with the alcohol getting cloudier.

2. Use filtered water

The distillation process certainly requires water and there is no other way to get around it for sure. That is why you will need to make sure that you are checking on all that and getting the water clearer. Unfiltered water can have particles or impurities in it, that you might not see while you are getting it done, but afterward, you are likely to see those particles floating in the alcohol you might be making.

Not only that but there are certainly other problems like these particles getting a cloudy texture in your alcohol. That is why, you will have to make sure that you are checking on all such stuff properly, and with that using the filtered water will be clearing out the cloudy alcohol for you.

3. Let the Yeast Settle

The yeast in alcohol can also be a reason for this, and in the beginning, it will be floating around. With time the yeast is bound to be mixed up and settle down. So, if you are getting any such particles from the yeast clouding the alcohol for you, you will need to wait on it for some time.

Waiting will ensure that you don’t have to face any such issues or problems, and with the right time, your yeast is going to settle down properly. Once the yeast is settled down, you will be getting clear alcohol as you might want to have and that should be definitely the best thing for you to be enjoying for all the different reasons you could be having to get it all sorted out.