How to Clean A Griddle After Use?

how to clean a griddle after use
how to clean a griddle after use

A griddle is a great tool to have because of just how versatile and effective it can be in the right hands. There are lots of advantages to using one, but there’s also a lot of things to take into account before doing it. Like any other appliance or tool meant for use in the kitchen, you have to take good care of the griddle as well. This includes making sure that you aren’t too forceful, while also cleaning it after every use. If you only bought one of these recently and are wondering how to clean the griddle after use, read this guide to find out the best method possible.

As already mentioned, every tool in the kitchen needs some form of care. For sanitary reasons and other ones, it’s very important that all of them are cleaned regularly, especially after us. The griddle is no exception to this rule, and it’s highly recommended the users try to clean it thoroughly every single time they’re done using it.

How to Clean A Griddle After Use?

Knowing What to Avoid

Cleaning griddles actually isn’t as difficult of a task as some might believe it to be. There are only some things that you should know to avoid, and after that, there’s nothing more to worry about. If you’re wondering exactly what these things that you need to avoid are, the first example would be strong cleaning products. This includes detergents and other powdered or liquid cleaning products.

We and the manufacturers of most griddles themselves recommend not using these because they can ruin the surface. This is greatly detrimental to the product’s health and you should avoid it at all costs. Instead, there are other great ways to clean these griddles up.

The Best Method for Cleaning the Griddle

The easiest way to clean a griddle after you are done using it is to prepare some hot water for it. Prepare this beforehand, so that it can be used while the griddle is still warm. That said, once all the food is out of the way and the appliance is still warm, pour the hot water over it. Adding a little bit of soap into the water is also an optional addition. It will not hurt the griddle at all, unlike the direct application of soap or other cleaning products. Just make sure that you only add basic soap, if anything at all.

This will get rid of most of the leftover food still attached, but just in case, running a scrapper over it is also an option. This will help get rid of those sticky, stubborn pieces of leftover food. Afterward, simply use a damp and dry cloth to get rid of all the water. This’ll help dry out the griddle and make it ready for storing away until it’s needed the next time. That’s all there is to cleaning this appliance after use, so just follow these easy steps and it’ll be all sorted out for you.