How Long Does Cauliflower Rice Last In The Fridge?

how long does cauliflower rice last in the fridge
how long does cauliflower rice last in the fridge

Cauliflower rice has become a delicious choice among people who follow a healthy lifestyle but have a hard time ditching rice. On the other hand, not everyone is free to make fresh cauliflower rice every other day, which is why they, “how long does cauliflower rice last in the fridge?” If you’ve been wondering the same, we are sharing the details with you!

How Long Does Cauliflower Rice Last In The Fridge?

If you make fresh cauliflower rice, it will for two to four days in the refrigerator before it goes bad. However, you need to ensure that the refrigerating conditions are on point, so the rice doesn’t go bad. Even when you put them into the refrigerator, make sure to keep a check on them. On the other hand, if you need to store them for longer than four days, it’s suggested to freeze them, and the quality will be maintained.

First of all, before you put cauliflower rice into the bowl, make sure that you run the spatula through it and ensure there are no huge chunks. This will ensure that the rice is properly refrigerated. For freezing the cauliflower rice, you need to follow the below-mentioned instructions;

  • Scoop out the cauliflower rice into the freezer bags (it will ensure that you only defrost the required amount rather than having to refreeze the rice again)
  • After adding rice to the freezer bag, make sure that you remove air as much as possible
  • Now, label the freezer bags with the date

Keep in mind that cauliflower rice will remain healthy and safe to eat in the freezer for over six months, but it’s suggested to consume them within four months. Also, writing down the date will ensure that you don’t consume the rice after it’s been frozen for too long. As far as eating the frozen rice is concerned, you have to thaw them overnight before you eat them. Once thawed, add them to the pan, add your preferred seasonings and a dash of oil to get them ready!

Storing Cauliflower Rice In The Freezer

The cauliflower rice can be stored in the freezer for over six months, but four months is the safest choice. The best thing about storing cauliflower rice in the freezer is that it keeps them fresh and healthy without damaging the texture and flavor.

Storing Cauliflower Rice At Room Temperature

The cauliflower rice will stay fresh at room temperature for over two hours to a day before they go bad. On the other hand, cauliflower can be stored at room temperature for over two days.

To summarize, storing cauliflower rice in the fridge is a better choice for people who need to keep it stored for more than a few hours. In the case of the refrigerator, it can be stored for over four days, and make sure that you are using an airtight container. On the other hand, you can freeze them in the freezer for over six months in the freezer bag. So, get back to storing the rice!