How Long Does Burnt Popcorn Smell Last?

how long does burnt popcorn smell last
how long does burnt popcorn smell last

Popcorns are the best snack to munch on without having to worry about too many calories or anything that you wouldn’t want to be a part of your diet. It is pretty simple and popcorns are not only healthy but easy to prepare and you can certainly enjoy them with movies, binge-watching your favorite shows, or simply having them for any sort of cravings that you might be having.

However, burnt popcorns are not the thing that you would want and if you mistakenly end up burning your popcorn, that would definitely have a bad experience since the smell of burnt popcorn is not easy to get rid of. A few things that you need to know about it are:

How Long Does Burnt Popcorn Smell Last?

How long will it take?

It can take anywhere between days to several weeks for the smell of burnt popcorn to totally go away and that is definitely not something you would want to have. Due to a large amount of starch and fiber in the popcorn, you will certainly be having a hard time getting rid of the smell if you end up burning your popcorn and the smell has spread to your exhaust mechanism or your oven. It would basically depend on the amount of popcorn you had, and how much they have burnt.

Can it be cleaned?

Yes, it is totally possible for you to clean up any messes, and similarly, you can get rid of the burnt popcorn smell from your oven as well. You just have to make sure that you are doing the things right and don’t end up messing with something that you wouldn’t want to have in the first place. However, if you face any such unfortunate incidents and you would need to get rid of the smell all those burnt popcorns have caused you to have, here are a few things that you can try out to make it possible for you.

How to get rid of it?

If you are looking to get rid of the burnt popcorn smell from your oven or the exhaust mechanism, you will need to take half cup of water in a bowl and then add 1 tablespoon of white vinegar in it. Then, microwave it for a couple of minutes and let the lid be closed for 10 minutes. That will be enough for the steam to clear out any burnt popcorn smell that might be there on your oven and you will certainly have a good experience out of it. You can repeat the process with intervals between to ensure getting it done in the right manner and completely get rid of that smell.

You can let the mixture of water and vinegar boil over a stove and let the steam be evaporated in your exhaust mechanism if you are facing any such problems with the burnt smell in your exhaust mechanism and that should be enough to help you get rid of the burning popcorn smell that is causing you all these troubles.

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