Why Does Frigidaire Microwave Stops After 3 Seconds? (Answered)

frigidaire microwave stops after 3 seconds
frigidaire microwave stops after 3 seconds

A microwave is one of the best units for people who like convenience in their lives because it makes it easier to reheat the food without compromising on the flavors. It goes without saying that Frigidaire microwave ovens are extremely popular as they promise optimal reheating functionality.

However, some users have been complaining about the microwave stopping after every second. Honestly, there is no point in using the Frigidaire microwave if it stops after 3 seconds because it can negatively influence the heating outcomes. So, let’s see how you can fix the stopping issue!

Why Does Frigidaire Microwave Stop After 3 Seconds?

1. Door Switch

First of all, you need to check the door switch. This is because when the door switch is failing intermittently, the microwave will keep shutting off after a few seconds. You need to check the door switch off your unit for the signs of burning, arcing, and overheating because these are some obvious signs of failure. Having said that, you can use a multimeter to test the door switch’s continuity.

So, if there are physical damages or continuity issues, there will be intermittent electric passage, so just replace it to streamline the electrical slow. However, keep in mind that you’ve to purchase the microwave’s door switch according to the model, so it’s best to order the spare parts from the official website.

2. Main Control Board

The second thing you need to check is the main control board. It is needless to say that the main control board is usually misdiagnosed. The main control board is responsible for optimizing the performance of the microwave and controlling every function of the unit. On the other hand, when the main control board stops working, it won’t be able to send signals to the microwave oven’s components, resulting in functionality issues.

That being said, you have to check the main control board and test its continuity. If there are continuity issues, it simply means that the control board isn’t working properly and the signal transmission is disturbed. So, just get the main control board replaced by a professional electrician to make sure the connections are done optimally.

3. Touchpad

If your microwave is running for three seconds and then stops working, there could be something wrong with the touchpad. Truth be told, the intermittent functionality issue caused by the touchpad is pretty rare but it’s still a possibility. That being said, you need to check the touchpad checked, and if it’s not working, it could be the reason behind the functionality issue.

The only solution is to replace the touchpad because only then it will be able to process the signals sent by the main control board. Keep in mind that the touchpad is model-specific, so make sure you are purchasing the touchpad from the official Frigidaire store or website.

4. Control Panel

A control panel is an important part of the Frigidaire microwave, and if this component is defective, the unit will not work for more than a few seconds. We suggest that you press every button on the control panel, and if they don’t respond properly, you need to check the control panel. The control panel can be replaced by an electrician but make sure they are using a high-quality and model-specific control panel.

5. Transformer

It is needless to say that the Frigidaire microwave tends to produce excess voltage to power up the antenna, which is responsible for emitting energy that’s needed to cook or reheat the food. However, when the transformer fails to perform, it will bend and give off a burning smell. At this point, all you can do is replace the transformer to make sure it can optimize the energy emission without overheating the microwave. As far as replacing the transformer is concerned, it can be a bit expensive but it’s essential to retrieve the functionality of your microwave.

6. Thermo Protector

As the name suggests, the Thermo protector is known to protect the microwave from heating issues. However, when the Thermo protector is not working, the microwave oven will overheat, and as a safety mechanism, it will keep switching off. So, make sure you get the microwave’s Thermo protector checked to ensure it is working properly – you can use the multimeter to check the continuity. Once the Thermo protector is replaced, we are certain that the shut-off issue will be fixed.