Fleur de Sel vs Maldon: What’s The Difference?

fleur de sel vs maldon
fleur de sel vs maldon

Finishing salt is used to give more flavor or texture to a dish. It is usually sprinkled on the dish at the last minute. More importantly, a finishing salt is used to complete the recipe of the dish, by acting like the final touch.

Fleur De Sel vs Maldon Salt

Today, there are plenty of different salts which a person can choose from. These include Maldon salt, fleur de sel, Himalyan, grinding and pink salt. However, we will be using today’s article in order to compare the two widely used salts, which are Maldon salt vs fleur de sel.

In case you have also been wondering on which finishing salt to use on your dish, then you have come to the right place! Here is everything that you need to know about both these salts in detail:

Fleur De Sel

One of the biggest reasons behind fleur de sel’s popularity is its oceanic and rich flavor. In simpler words, it is one of the few salts which has a moist texture. This makes the salt apart from the likes of Maldon salt.

It has a long-lasting flavor due to its moist texture, causing all of the salt flakes to combine together. Whenever taken with food, the salt takes a bit of time to dissolve in the mouth, giving the person a lasting taste.

Fleur de sel goes through a complete harvesting process, which is why it also has a gray color. On top of that, the salt contains more minerals compared to all other salts.

The biggest drawback with fleur de sel is its price. Usually, it costs three to four times more than Meldon salt. As a result, most users opt for the other option. This is also why it is actually preferred to use fleur de sel on expensive dishes. Not only does its moisture and flavor go well with such dishes, but you will also be complimenting your dishes as the salt can be visually seen on the dish.

Maldon Salt

Compared to fleur de sel, the Maldon salt comes with a dry texture and flavor. This results in the salt flakes dissolving as soon as they are put inside the mouth. On the bright side, many actually prefer Maldon salt due to its lightness.

Similarly, Maldon salt appears to be just like base salt where it does not have any distinguishing features. It also has the normal amount of minerals that can be found in most salts.

Luckily, the price of Maldon salt is quite affordable when compared to the prior. You can easily purchase the salt at a very reasonable price without having to worry about spending too much.

It’s also worth mentioning that Maldon salt can easily be used in place of fleur de sel. The biggest difference that you will notice is that the salt will easily dissolve into your mouth, and won’t give that much of a flavor. Not to mention that you won’t also be able to enjoy the distinctive intensity and sharpness of the salt.

Which One Should You Pick?

Now that we have gone through both these salts, one may wonder which one of them should they really pick for their dishes. It is important to note that both these salts will most definitely add more flavor to your dish. However, it really depends on how you wish to have your dish taste like. If you want to have a sharp, delicate, and moist texture and price isn’t any concern, then fleur de sel might be the better option. In all other cases, the Maldon salt should get the job done.

The Bottom Line:

Through the article, we have explained all the different aspects about fleur de sel vs Maldon salt. So, in case you have been having a hard time making the comparison between these two finishing salts, we recommend you give the article a thorough read!