4 Ways To Solve Excalibur 3926 Food Dehydrator Fan Not Working

excalibur 3926 food dehydrator fan not working
excalibur 3926 food dehydrator fan not working

Food dehydrators have become healthy appliances because they help turn fruits and veggies into dry form, making them a perfect snack. For this purpose, Excalibur has released various food dehydrator models, but various users have complained about Excalibur 3926 food dehydrator fan not working. If you are using the same model and have the same fan issue, we have various solutions in mind for you!

How To Solve Excalibur 3926 Food Dehydrator Fan Not Working?

1. Electrical Outlet

Since a food dehydrator is an electrical appliance, it needs to be properly connected to the electrical outlet to ensure it’s getting a seamless power supply. For this reason, when the fan isn’t working, one reason could be a bad electricity outlet. So, connect your food dehydrator to a working and fully functional outlet. In the majority of cases, the unit operates smoothly when it is connected to a different electrical outlet. If it starts working, great for you. On the contrary, if changing the electrical outlet doesn’t work, just check the next solution.

2. Tray’s Position

When you are using the food dehydrator, it’s needless to say that trays’ placement can directly influence the functionality and operations. In the majority of cases, if you order the food dehydrator online and it’s shipped to you, the trays get forced and thrust into the protective screen of the fan. In that cases, the fan will stop working, and it won’t evaporate moisture from the food items. As far as the solution is concerned, you have to remove the trays and blow over the fan blade to see where it’s getting rubbed with the screen. Once you determine the contact or rubbing point, you have to use the needle nose pliers and pull away from the screen from the fan blades. Once the fan blade is away from the screen, switch on the food dehydrator again and see if the fan starts working.

3. Placement Of The Fan

When it comes down to the food dehydrator, the placement of the fan plays an influential role in the functionality. When the food dehydrator isn’t working, there are chances that the placement has been impacted, and it is hindering the fan from working properly. So, disassemble the food dehydrator and look for the fan. If the fan is detached or has been placed away from the specific position, just place it back in the right position. Once the fan is back to its original position, assemble the unit, switch on the food dehydrator, and the fan will work normally.

4. Wire Getting In Way

With Excalibur food dehydrators, there is a wire assembly just like other units. However, if these wires get detached from the fan, the fan will stop working. For this reason, you have to connect the wire back to its position and try operating the unit. In addition to properly connecting the wires, make sure that the wires aren’t damaged or frayed. If you see the fan-related wires damaged, replacing them is essential to get the functionality back on track.

To summarize, these are the only solutions that you can try at home. If the fan is still not working, call the technical support team of Excalibur for help.