3 Ways To Fix Excalibur 2400 Food Dehydrator 4 Tray Model Heater Not Working

excalibur 2400 food dehydrator 4 tray model heater not working
excalibur 2400 food dehydrator 4 tray model heater not working

Since winters are just around the corner, majority of people have started investing in dehydrators because it helps dehydrate fruits, vegetables, and other food items. Generally, people get the top-notch brands to get favorable outcomes, but Excalibur 2400 food dehydrator 4 tray model heater not working is still an error many people are struggling with. In case you are one of them, we are sharing the troubleshooting guide!

How to Fix Excalibur 2400 Food Dehydrator 4 Tray Model Heater Not Working?

1. Fan

When it comes down to a dehydrator, the fan is responsible for the majority of work because it blows air around and across the veggies and fruits. It will remove moisture from the food items and initiate the dehydration procedure. At this point, we do want to educate you that every dehydrator has a fan, and if the heater is working, there are chances that the fan has stopped working. This is because heater and fan work in association.

So, when the dehydrator is switched on, move closer to the unit and try to listen to the fan sounds. If you can hear the fan sounds, you can check out the next troubleshooting step. However, if it’s not working, it’s time to get the fan repaired. Also, in the majority of cases, the fan issue occurs when the food keeps dropping on the fan and blocks it. Once the fan is repaired, try your best to keep it clean.

2. Heating Element

If you are one of those people who can hear the fan noise, your next step should be checking the heating element. That’s because the heating element is responsible for optimizing the internal temperature of the unit (it’s essential for dehydrating the food items). So, when the heating element breaks down, it will fail to heat up the food or dehydrate the food. The only method to check the heating element is checking the continuity. Once you are sure that the heating element is broken, buy the replacement heating element and get it installed by a professional.

3. Wiring

When the heater stops working, we generally think of bigger issues, but it can be as small as a torn wire. For the most part, the wire gets detached from the heating element, which restricts the functionality of the heater. So, you need to disassemble the dehydrator, locate the heating element, and check all the wires around. If you see any wire disconnected from the element, connect it back, assemble the unit, and try operating it again. However, there are cases when wires are burnt, and that calls for change or replacement or wiring assembly.

In case you replace the wire on your own, make sure to take all the precautionary measures because wires can be dangerous. On the other hand, if you don’t know which wire we are talking about, you have got to look for a silver nichrome wire because it’s the connecting one. So, if it’s not in the said place or has frayed, replace it with a new wire. Also, the wire is pretty easily available in hardware stores or electric supply stores.