Eating Raw Garbanzo Beans: Is It Safe?

eating raw garbanzo beans
eating raw garbanzo beans

Garbanzo beans is a Spanish-derived title for chickpeas. So in case, you wondering what chickpeas and garbanzo beans are or if they are different. Then, no. Chickpeas and garbanzo beans are not different. Both are the same. Many people stay concerned about whether it is unhazardous to consume raw garbanzo beans or not. Well, the answer can be both. But most of us have a weak stomach that takes the trouble to digest complex sugars present inside raw garbanzo beans. This makes it quite harmful to eat raw garbanzo beans. We will discuss eating raw garbanzo beans in detail in this post. Read on

What Are Garbanzo Beans?

Chickpeas are the other name for garbanzo beans. These beans belong to the legume family. They are mostly beige in color and has round parted (or you can say heart shape). You can also find them in red, black, and dark brown colors but the most common ones are beige ones. These beans have high nutrient content which caters to various health benefits.

Eating Raw Garbanzo Beans

Many people with fitness issues eat garbanzo beans roasted with rice or other food to get loaded with proteins and nutrients. Garbanzo beans help in cutting the extra curbs and toning your body. A well-cooked portion of garbanzo beans helps you with digestion while a raw might end you up with digestion issues. This is exactly why many people have concerns with garbanzo beans if they are fine to eat raw.

According to strict medical and health guidelines, you are NOT supposed to be eating garbanzo beans or chickpeas raw. The toxins and other complex substances in the garbanzo beans are quite hard to digest quickly or even digest at all.

Some nutritionists have even stated that cooked garbanzo beans have complex sugars that cause several problems with indigestion. You may get discomforted with intestinal gas and intermittent stomach pain. However, it is not dangerous to eat the cooked garbanzo beans as compared to raw ones.

As raw garbanzo beans can cause serious digestion issues. Moreover, try to settle down garbanzo beans with other leguminous veggies to make yourself a tasty and healthy plate of salad.

Now that you have a fair understanding of how eating raw garbanzo beans can strangle you with various digestion issues. Let’s make headway to explore healthy ways of eating garbanzo beans.

What Are The Healthy Ways To Eat Garbanzo Beans?

Here are some recommended ways to incorporate cooked or canned garbanzo beans into other healthy foods:

  1. Toss garbanzo beans with other legume plants such as lentils and beans to serve yourself a fine meal of protein-rich salad.
  2. To get the most out of garbanzo beans’ nutty and creamy texture, sprinkle them on your daily meals or fresh veggies.
  3. Adding garbanzo beans to a potful of your favorite soups.
  4. Just roast the garbanzo beans to have a side snack.

Final Thoughts:

No health nutritionist recommends eating raw garbanzo beans. This habit can get you into various digestion and painful stomach issues. It is better to spice up your meals with cooked or canned garbanzo beans.