5 Best Substitutes For Donut Cutter

donut cutter substitute
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donut cutter substitute

Many people who love donuts tend to make it at home, and they actually have all the equipment available to make the bakery-like donuts at home. One such important part of these supplies is a donut cutter, as it’s needed for making the center hole.

However, it is pretty hard to find in the grocery stores, which is why we are sharing the donut cutter substitutes to help you out. So, let’s check out some of the best options for you!

Best Substitutes For Donut Cutter

1. Biscuit Cutter

A biscuit cutter is known as a specialized tool that’s needed for giving biscuits a round shape. It is possible to shape the dough with your hands, but a biscuit cutter makes it easier to cut the biscuits, but it can also be used for adding the circle on the donut. The biscuit cutters are available in a variety of sizes, and you can use the smaller one to make sure the hole is not very big. For the most part, they are designed with metal and has a sharp edge that allows the users to cut the dough evenly, but there are some cutters made from plastic as well.

A biscuit cutter is one of the best equipment to make sure the donuts are uniformly shaped and sized to make sure they come out consistent. Given its ability to create consistent results, it is actually used by professional chefs. However, it is suggested that you put it in the flour before you use it to make sure there is no sticking.

2. Upside-Down Glass Or Cup

In case you cannot purchase a new cutter, you can simply use a cup or glass from your kitchen and use its upside-down side. This is one of the simplest and easy available substitutes. For this purpose, you only need to take a cup or glass, invert it, and you can cut the center or sides of the dough. Many people complain that it sticks to the dough, but you can prevent it by dipping your cup or glass in the flour before you use it, and there won’t be any sticking. It’s actually important to dip the edges in flour because you don’t want the donut’s dough to get stuck, or you will end up losing the shape.

3. Cans & Tins

There are tons of commercially available processed food cans and tins, and they actually work great when you cannot find a donut cutter. Since there are different types of cans and tins in your home, there are high chances that you have multiple shapes and sizes available, so you can use the can or tin, depending on the donut size. In addition, it is made from thin metal, which helps cut through your donut dough evenly and easily.

However, to use it, you will need to remove both sides/ends of your tin and can with the help of a can opener and wash it properly. You can also use a mild dishwashing solution to clear off the food and smell residues. Once cleaned, wipe everything dry and cut the donuts. It is possible that you don’t cut two ends, but it can lead to dough sticking.

4. Cookie Cutter

Another great substitute for donut cutter is the donut cutter, and it wouldn’t be wrong to say that it’s the biscuit cutter without any details. The cookie cutters are available in a variety of sizes and shapes, particularly with the detailing, but there are some available with simple designs. However, while you are purchasing a cookie-cutter, you need to use the ones with a high side, which helps cut out the dough without ruining the shapes.

5. Kitchen Knife

If you cannot find anything else, you can depend on the kitchen knife to cut through the dough in addition to cutting vegetables, meat, and fruits. It is actually one of the fastest and easiest ways of cutting donuts according to your preferences. It is possible that the donuts won’t come out the uniform, but you can take the creative liberty to create different shapes of donuts. However, when you are using a kitchen knife, make sure that it has a sharp blade. On the other hand, you can also put your butter knife to work, especially if you have kids around.

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