Does Kangen Water Machine Remove Fluoride?

does kangen water remove fluoride
does kangen water remove fluoride

Kangen water machines have become one of the preferred machines for people who are trying to follow a healthier lifestyle because it creates alkaline water. This is because alkaline water is great for health, such as hydrating the body and maintaining the pH level.

In addition to adding alkalis to water, the Kangen water machine also removes contaminants and impurities. For this reason, people ask if it can remove fluoride as well. So, with this post, you will find information about removing different components!

Does Kangen Water Machine Remove Fluoride?

When it comes down to removing fluoride from water, one needs to use a special filter. This is because the filter that comes with the Kangen water machine is not sufficient enough to remove fluoride. For purchasing the special water filter, you can go to Enagic because they are the manufacturers of these machines and have an extensive range of top-notch filters – the best thing about this brand is that there are third-party replacements available to streamline the water purification experience.

Keep in mind that the Kangen water machine won’t be able to remove the heavy metals and salt from tap water. For instance, you won’t be able to filter seawater with the help of this water machine. Even if you put seawater in the Kangen water machine, it still won’t be undrinkable. Having said that, if you want to filter out the fluoride, you need to use activated alumina filters that are available at Enagic – these filters have to be purchased separately as it’s not part of the standard kit.

It is common for people to believe that creating alkaline water automatically removes fluoride, but it’s not the case. This is because the Kangen water machine doesn’t filter out minerals, even if you are using the alum filter. For this purpose, you have to use a specific type of filter for clearing out specific minerals. Having said that, a standard water machine by Kangen won’t be able to filter out fluoride, salts, and heavy metals, and you will need special filters for that.

The water ionizers generally don’t remove fluoride unless there are specific filters installed. In case you are wondering about the general filtering process, a Kangen water machine will be able to filter out debris and solid impurities with the grey pre-filter. On the other hand, if you are using a water machine that actually filters out minerals and fluoride, the water must be passed through the remineralization process to add the minerals and salts needed to keep the body healthy at all times.

What Is Filtered Out With Kangen Water Filter?

Now that we have shared what a Kangen water filter cannot filter, it’s important to consider what it can actually filter out. Kangen water machines are designed by Enagic, and they do need special filters for filtering out specific components from water. Kangen offers the mechanical filter, which has the capacity of clearing out solids and debris from the water, and it’s not possible for it to remove chlorine unless you use a chlorine filter.

On the other hand, if you intend on removing chlorine, minerals, salts, and fluoride, you need to use third-party filters to meet the filtration needs. For instance, you can use the alum filter as it’s enough to remove fluoride. In addition, there is a special active carbon filter that removes spores and mould from water, but it won’t have the capacity of removing chlorine and lead. As far as the mechanical filters are concerned, they are enough to catch the rust particles.

The water filters by Kangen can also filter out acid for optimizing the pH level of the water, depending on how you intend to use water, such as washing, drinking, and cleaning.

Can A Kangen Water Machine Remove Heavy Metals?

No, it cannot remove the heavy metals and salts with the standard filters, but it might be possible if you use special filters. However, there are some general water machines available in the market that help remove heavy metals. Another aspect to consider is that you won’t even have to consider clearing out heavy metals because there are no heavy metals in the residential water supply. Also, if there are some heavy metals in your residential home supply, they should be reported to the water company.